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The Story of The Lover: PART XIII

I am not okay.

That night, I waited.

I waited for your text. It's not like you knew that I was waiting for an explanation, but I still waited. You just retweeted a quote a minute ago, so I got hope. But minutes became an hour, and I still couldn't feel your presence.

I shouldn't worry, this happened not too long ago and you apologized. I shouldn't think about it, right?

But I can't help it.

"Maybe they met at the mall earlier, and Ara just asked him to help." Hana tried to keep me positive, but it still hurts. "Jeongguk is known as a gentleman, you know that."


Why am I being like this when there is no us in the first place?

I don't know what spirit possessed me that very night . . . but I suddenly became brave.

yo guk

oh hi ji

I have a question

okay, go, ask me anything

I think for a moment, doubting if I should continue it or not. It seemed that you didn't change a bit. You're still quick to reply. Maybe Hana was right. Maybe you were just busy earlier that you can't bring yourself fully active online.

do zombies exist?

what movie
did you watch?

but seriously,
is it true?

true what?
that zombies exist?


is it true that
you used me to
make ara jealous?

Please say no, Jeongguk. Please say no.

I'm sorry.

I am not okay.

Okay, I'm Okay. [JJK]Where stories live. Discover now