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Vegeta stared up at the canopy of his bed. His wife snored softly beside him.

"Vegeta," Bulma greeted him when he got home, "I know you don't want to, but if you ever really need to talk about things, at all, I want to be there for you." Her soft and worried tone made his skin crawl.

He was fine, all saiyans, especially princes, went through these things.

That is what he'd been telling himself since he could remember. He shouldn't think about the things that happened constantly.


Vegeta shook his head and rubbed his eyes before looking upwards once more.

He hated this.

As much as he had grown to enjoy Earth, more so the people on it, he loathed how peaceful it could be. Even with Beerus and Whis around for the small bouts of excitement, he couldn't stand how idle his mind could be in times like this.

He was so used to fighting for his life and pride constantly. He didn't need to care about anything.

But now he did. He had a son and daughter, a wife, and a rival that kept him on his toes.

Vegeta sat up with a quiet growl and glanced at his wife. She was still asleep with the blankets over her shoulders. He crept out to the balcony and leaned on the railing.

It was summer; the air was wet and warm as it licked across the scrapes on his body from the spar earlier that day. Vegeta's eyes looked upwards into the dark blue sky once more.

He felt so deeply empty, sometimes. Almost lonely.

Vegeta ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. Sure he had felt this way before, but not in a very long time. He wanted to stay occupied but he simply couldn't; even training had become another simple time waster.

"Vegeta, you know I love you. Right?" Bulma had brushed his cheek sweetly. He had grunted in response but still leaned into her hand.

"We all do. Me, Bra, Trunks," she continued with affection in those pearly eyes, "Even Goku's family, believe it or not. You have a lot of people who care about you."

The way she cooed to him was almost child-like, so soft and gentle. Vegeta still hadn't gotten used to that, even after all these years.

He shuttered as he recalled his wife's words. He tried to clear the idea of a number higher than three caring for him so deeply. He broke away his gaze and crept back inside and into bed. He rarely showed much outward affection, but he had brought his wife close by the waist and held her as he attempted to go into a light sleep.

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