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Vegeta had slept well for the past few days. It felt so foreign to be well rested once again. Although, he still avoided making love to his wife despite her attempts to feel him up and down.

She had whined for a bit, however, allowed herself to be needy in exchange for Vegeta's peace of mind.

He couldn't. Not after the thoughts he'd been having.

The soft purring of the younger man.
His rival massaging his skin and kissing his ear and neck.
Holding him closely whilst on top of him.

Vegeta shuddered at the thought. However, he needed to see him.

He'd blasted off to find the other saiyan's energy. It was not hard to find, he just had to focus.

Goku was lying in a patch of soft meadow upon a mountain with a few goats a couple yards away bickering to each other. Flowers of different blooms littered the area.

Seems like Kakarot.

Vegeta descended and stood next to the other man whose arms were folded behind his head.  He awoke from his small nap and squinted against the light.

"Vegeta? Is that you?"

"The one and only." Vegeta chuckled smugly.

Goku smiled and yawned before resting on his elbows.

"What're you doing here?" He asked.

Vegeta crosses his arms instinctively and looked around, "I hadn't seen you in a while."

Goku giggled and playfully punched Vegeta's calf, "Awh did you worry about me?"

Vegeta turned up his nose and scoffed, "Of course not. I was simply making sure my best competition hadn't gotten himself killed.. again."

The younger man laughed before looking off in the cliff faces, "Yeah yeah, sure Vegeta."

There were a few moments of silence before Goku spoke again, "It's good to see you, Vegeta."

Vegeta felt his cheeks turn slightly pink before grunting in affirmation. He flinched as he felt a large gentle hands caress his calf gently.

"You look good. Better than you had been."

Vegeta kicked him hard enough to turn him over but not hard enough to hurt, "Ah yes because the great Kakarot knows what to look for." He mocked.

Goku laughed happily and looked up at the other man, his eyes a bit lidded.

Vegeta's smirk faded before he looked away again.

"Hey." Goku's voice was deep and a bit coarse.

Vegeta glanced before his arm was grabbed and he was pulled down to the ground. He sat between Goku's large legs and looked up at him, his face upside down.

Goku was smiling. Of course.


"I know. I just.. wanted to see you." Goku murmured as he pet through Vegeta's thick hair.

Vegeta blushed deeper but closed his eyes, allowing himself to be groomed.

"You did see me."

"Closer, I mean."

"You're just- I don't know." Goku continued, "Nice to look at I guess."

Vegeta scoffed, although that did feed his ego slightly.

"Were all saiyans as pretty as you?"

"Well, you're attracted to other saiyans due to instinct. It's just our nature. It is in the same way we are attracted to battles and getting stronger. But my royal bloodline has an impeccable pedigree."

"So you're attracted to me?" Goku asked, again with that deep and hoarse tone.

Vegeta's eyes shot open, "I didn't say that."

"Yes you did. You know you did." He purred, turning Vegeta's face upwards and closing in.

Vegeta was ready for a kiss that never came.

"Vegeta. Is this wrong?"

The prince thought, "Yes. We shouldn't do these things. We have wives."

"Yeah. That's what I was thinking." Goku murmured guiltily. He stroked the prince's cheek, "I just can't stop thinking about you, and how it felt."

"I know."

"It felt like when we fused."

Vegeta shuddered, he tried not to recall that level of intimacy.

"I know you didn't like it, but.." His thoughts trailed off, "it was nice to have you so close. Since we're the last pure blood saiyans- on earth anyway."

Vegeta nodded, his breath hitched as Goku began to close the gap between them.

"I think I've felt this way for a long time Vegeta, just like you said, because we're saiyans."

"Kakarot I-"

"Hush." Goku said sternly yet in a whisper, "Bulma and Chi-Chi will pass away before us, because we live longer right?"


"And we love them, a lot, right?"


"So then, it'll be just us, right?"


"Then we can do this, because we'll be alone."

"Alone together." Vegeta mumbled.

Goku smiled before kissing Vegeta softly and pulling away.

"Alone together."

The two saiyans sat in the grass. The prince in the third class' lap. Goku hummed as they both looked off into the mountains.

Goku pet through Vegeta's hair as the smaller man began to doze off peacefully, finding a sense of relaxation after all those years he'd been alone.

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