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Bulma's wrists were healed after Vegeta had instructed his son to get the Sensu Beans from Korrin's tower. He had coldly stated that if the feline resisted, he'd "make a sweat rag" out of him.

The cat sent a few his way after hearing such a statement.

No matter how many times Bulma questioned Vegeta about his sleeping habits and begged for him to come to bed- he wouldn't. He stayed in the gravity chamber or outside. He would not by any circumstances even come into the master bedroom.

"I won't let that happen again." He said in a grave monotone.

"Vegeta please!" Bulma had cried, gesturing her healed hands, "I just want to help. You're my husband. Please just let me help. I love you so much and I hate seeing you like this!"

The wavered her hands wildly and gestured to his whole body.

Vegeta would not hear it. He would lock himself away or simply leave the compound. He was in deep, deep denial.

The only time she'd even get him to shed slight vulnerability after that was by sobbing in their bedroom until he checked out of worry.

"Vegeta, I love you. Please come to bed." She had whispered, "I miss you."

She remembered how he growled and grabbed the sides of his head and shouted so loud it felt like the room shook.

"Stop it! Just stop! Stop saying that! Stop it, just stop! All of you say that nonsense!" He screamed and shook his head in the doorway as if his head was about to explode.

"Stop saying that! Shut up! Just shut up! If you would stop that then- then-" He wasn't able to finish his sentence.

Explaining that mess to Trunks in the morning was not pretty.

Actually, explaining that his father was going through a sort of mental crisis was a disaster; as none of the Briefs family knew how to cope with a damaged alien with a defensive wall stronger than titanium.

That's when she had called for Goku. They did not meet at the compound as she knew that would cause Vegeta to become even more irrational. So she instead met him at his own home.

"Goku, please" She said quietly at their dining table. She grabbed his large hand as Chi-Chi held her other arm comfortingly.

"You have to talk to him. He won't listen." She was pleading her case, "I just don't know what else to do. He's, well, just not himself anymore."

Goku bit the inside of his lip and averted his gaze. He knew something had been going on recently. But in hindsight, this was an issue far before the last few weeks. He recalled the many times Vegeta refused to sleep in the same room as him, and if he did, he had always fallen asleep before the older man. He remembered the times where Vegeta seemed to disappear without a trace for days at a time or insisted on training on his own.

Goku swallowed the lump in his throat and sighed, "What makes you think he'll listen to me? Do you remember when he was under Babidi's control? That was all because of me."

Bulma shook her head, "Please Goku, I'm begging you. You're the only other pure saiyan, that really does mean something to him. Even if he won't ever admit it."

Goku looked into his longtime friend's eyes. He hadn't seen her so vulnerable in so very long. Vegeta had her at her wits end.

"Okay." He agreed hesitantly.

Bulma smiled gently and kissed his cheek before resting her head atop Chi-Chi's.

Goku looked off into the sunset through the window thoughtfully, worried about how he would enter such a battle. He only knew physical battles- not ones of mental strength.

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