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Vegeta gasped as he dropped to his knees. His armor was burned and shredded away- a deep lashing across his face stung as sweat poured into it. He stared down at the slick floor. Blood began to drip from his skull with a thick pool of red forming in contrast with the sterile white.

His chin was jerked upwards by a scaly blue hand. Vegeta felt as if a haze were building over his eyes as he tried to see straight. A small snarl escaped his lips as he recognized the green hair falling in front of him.

"Poor, dirty monkey," Zarbon jeered, "Will you ever learn?"

"None of them will. What do you expect?" Dodoria added.

Nappa gritted his teeth as he stood near the door of the large chamber, forced to watch his prince received one of the worst beatings of his life. Raditz's eyes were sorrowful staring at the blood continuously dripping down Vegeta's brow bone.

Frieza paid no mind to the laughter of his two minions and the groans of the saiyan prince. He simply stared outside his ship at the vastness of space- smirking at the planets and galaxies he called his own.

Zarbon pulled the small saiyan up by his hair and laughed as he grunted and squirmed. He grabbed Vegeta's tail and held him by the throat, pressing his back against his chest before facing the other saiyan soldiers.

"Look at them Vegeta," he chuckled into his ear, Vegeta was jerking weakly as the harsh grip on his tail sent a jolt of pain through his spine. "Mission after mission, you all fail. But you're the only one to ever take the punishment, hm?"

Raditz cowered guiltily and clenched his fists, Vegeta could tell how sick they both felt but was too weak to growl or shoot them deadly glares.

Zarbon's claws tightened against Vegeta's wind pipe as he twisted the tail in his hand- making bones crunch audibly.

"Maybe this will make you remember this lesson, little prince."

Dodoria circled around them before taking a dagger from his side- it glowed with blue energy. Vegeta hissed and began to thrash wildly- his eyes huge. Zarbon squeezed his throat hard until the prince began to choke and cough. 

"No!" He cried, "Not again!" 

Normally Vegeta was quiet when taking his licks. He did not want to give Frieza the satisfaction of hearing his pain. However, when he saw that retched weapon in those fat pink hands or those scrawny blue fingers, his heart raced.

"Not again! Don't!" Vegeta croaked as the dagger slowly began piercing his jumpsuit. He felt the heat begin to sear through the armor and quickly degenerate his flesh. He cried out in agony as the dagger cut deeply into his muscle tissue, writhing while Dodoria moved it slowly.

Frieza hummed quietly as he listened idly to the prince's screams, tapping his tail against his chair.

The young man was thrashing around with the weapon digging deep into his tan flesh. He not only choked on blood, but the pressure Zarbon applied to his throat kept a majority of air from reaching his lungs.

Raditz fidgeted forward before Nappa grabbed him and covered his mouth.

"Don't." He hissed, "You'll only make it worse. You remember what happened last time."

Raditz whimpered quietly as he watched Vegeta attempt to twist away in vain.

Zarbon dropped him to the ground with a loud thud, Vegeta's body hitting the harsh floor without grace.

"Will that scar this time, Dodoria?" Frieza chuckled darkly.

Dodoria smiled and gave a small courtesy, "Yes sir, it was much deeper this time."

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