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Vegeta's eyes opened groggily. He hardly remembered falling into that shallow dreamless sleep. He snapped into attention as he realized he was in the master bedroom. His wife was not next to him.

Neither was his rival.

He shook his head before jumping out of bed- it was midday. He squinted at the light before putting on clean spandex and exiting the bedroom.

When he entered the lab he saw his wife, she spun around and hugged him immediately, much to Vegeta's surprise.

"What's wrong? What happened?" He questioned as he put his hands gently on the small of her back. Bulma looked at him and smiled before kissing him deeply. Vegeta, although surprised, relished in the gentle affection he had not allowed himself for weeks.

"I'm just happy." Bulma responded as she brushed through her husband's hair lovingly.

Vegeta grunted, "I can see that. For what reason?"

Bulma rolled her eyes before kissing him quickly and laying her head on his chest. "Because you slept."

Vegeta stiffened, unsure of how to respond.

"It's okay. Goku told me." She continued quietly. The hairs on Vegeta's neck rose as he felt a nervousness clench his throat.


Bulma nodded, "Yeah. About how you've been avoiding sleeping, because of nightmares right? He told me about how you had passed out from exhaustion after trying to go off on him." She gave a small chuckle as she cradled Vegeta's cheek in one palm.

"I'm just happy you got some sleep. You should've told me it was common for saiyan's to have nightmares. Goku said you told him all about it."

Vegeta gave a small sigh and leaned into the palm. The other saiyan kept the secret? He didn't tell her of how he'd allowed himself to be held?

He grimaced at the memory but his heart gave a small flutter.

Bulma's smile dropped into a slight frown, "Vegeta, I want you to be able to talk to me. If you don't feel well, or whatever is going on."

Vegeta averted his eyes to his wife's wrists- they were fully healed yet he still felt nervous looking at them.

"I know you wouldn't ever hurt me on purpose."

Vegeta's eyes shot into hers. She was so calm and he felt so very frightened. He wished not to recall that night.

"Vegeta," she repeated, "if there's anything I can do. Anything at all, please tell me. I miss you." Her voice broke slightly as she wrapped her thin arms around her husband tightly and leaned into his chest.

Vegeta gave a small grunt of acknowledgement as he returned the embrace, hoping his wife couldn't hear his rapid heart beat.

After a hearty brunch enough to feed the entire compound, Vegeta blasted off to one of the many battle torn deserts away from Capsule Corp.


The prince snarled as he blasted a large golden blast into a rock face and watched it explode. Pebbles littered the area with dust sticking to his sweaty forehead. His name swished in the air with glowing power and ferocity.

He was blowing off steam.


The young prince thrashed his tail as he punched through two saibamen at once. Their guts splattered across Vegeta's face as they fell to the ground. He was bandaged and sore from his last meeting with Frieza yet was still able to fight.

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