Stealing the love and affection of a Werewolf King

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I am a werewolf obsess reader who is trying to write a decent story as well. This is my second werewolf story. The first one is nearing the end and I were searching for a new idea for a while now. With everything that is going on in the world now (COVID-19), I today sat deep in thought when the idea for this story suddenly strike me out of nowhere. I have many ideas for it. Please remember I am not a professional writer and English is my second language. I therefore apologize beforehand for any grammatical errors and if my writing style is unprofessional and irritating. If anyone want to say something rude and disrespectful please think before you do, we are all human beings and you wouldn't want anyone to be nasty towards you. Other than that I am very grateful for anyone who take some of there precious time to read my story. I really hope it reach your expectations. I am a very peaking reader myself and therefore would like to create something worth your time. 

Nobody probably want my story anyway but just incase someone might be crazy enough to do so, please...just don't...steal is wrong and totally uncool. This might be a weak story but the idea, how cliche, or not ;),  it might be, is all mine. My imagination, my brain, my ideas, all mine. All rights reserved.


All images and videos used in the story belong to there rightful owners. This is a fictional story therefor anything that are similar to anything that might be out in the real world is coincidental.  

This story might contain some mature scenes which include, sex, violence and maybe language(I do not curse but someone in the story might ;)). Please be aware. Read at own risk. 

Hope you enjoy this story:)


Shayrue Lenox had an normal ordinary life until she reach the age of 18 years. After that she didn't aged an inch. At first she didn't pay attention but after she noticed she just shrugged it off as good to excellent genetics. Whenever her young appearance were pointed out despite her age of 25 years she just laugh it off and take it as a compliment. She was kind, warm and were a ray of sunshine in everyone's live who crossed her path. Her life were perfect and when she walked down the aisle to marry the love of her life her eyes met those of the most attractive man she has ever laid her eyes on. A bunch of butterflies pooled in the put of her stomach and the happiness and warmth that spread through her body was unbelievable. The one and only terrifying thing is that it wasn't her soon-to-be-husband!

Alpha King Xander Lycan has walk the earth for more that two centuries. He is the very first lycan that were created. He were the most powerful king in the supernatural world and the most successful businessman in those of the humans. He had powers that were only known to himself and the moon goddess. Once upon a time the king was happy and cheerful but he changed. Because he had a mate. The most powerful bond in the werewolf world. But he lost his mate...and his two young children. Many who were old enough knew exactly what happened but they do not dare speak about it because no one wants to feel the wrath of the Alpha King! He was fair, honest and loyal but he was also cold, distant, full of darkness and emotionless.

What if the darkness meets the light?

What if the light isn't enough to diminish the darkness?

Love, secrets, lies and betrayal. How will it all end?


As my eyes meet the most captivating grey eyes I have ever seen my heart starts to flutter and I feel the utmost burst of happiness and joy spread to every fiber of my body. I feel complete.


Thank you for reading my story. I highly appreciate it. God bless! 


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