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Today's the day. Yona and Yoon are going undercover to find the women Kum-Ji captured. Hak is as tense as ever and all the other dragons are on edge. Much to my amusement, Kija tried to dress up as a girl.

"Ugh! Do you have any longer sleeves?" Kija asks, trying to cover up his dragon arm.

"Well, I barely noticed it with your poor excuse for breasts." I mumble, crossing my arms. "What?! How rude!" Kija complains. As Hak and Jea-Ha tease Kija, I walk over to Yoon and Yona.

"Good luck you two! Sorry I can't tag along." I say, frowning slightly at the last part.

"Don't worry, Yuri. We'll be fine." Yona says, sending me a convincing smile. "Yeah, I know. I know." I say.

"You seem like you're doing better. How's your head?" Yoon asks. "Eh? Oh right! That thing you made me drink last night really helped! I feel good as new!" I smile with a thumbs up. "Okay, just take it easy. If Hak deems necessary then you can fight. Otherwise, you need to rest." Yoon orders. I pout and cross my arms. "Fine." I pout. I walk away so the others can say bye. Luckily, I brought my violin with me this time. So, at least I'll have something to do.

Ao suddenly jumps on my shoulder and I see she's wearing a cute little dress. "Where did you find a dress squirrel size?" I ask nobody in particular. Ao rubs her head against my cheek then hops into Yoon's chest.

"Don't worry Lightning Beast. I'd lay down my life Yona. I'll make sure she comes back alive." Yoon says to Hak. I suddenly jump in and sling my arm around Yoon's shoulder. "Just go dying on us yet okay? How else will we eat." I smile. Yoon groans and shakes his head.

Yoon and Yona leave and we're left to just sit and wait. Boring. I'm sitting on the top deck with Shin-Ah and Kija. I have my scythe resting next to me with my morning star wrapped around my waist.

I didn't ask Hak whether I can fight or not because I'm going to no matter what he tells me. Yoon and Yona are risking their lives. It'd be wrong for me to just lay around resting. Plus, this is my first fight with my weapons. That's a mix of good and bad.

Everyone is uncomfortably quiet, waiting for Yoon and Yona to send up a signal flare. It'd feel a little weird playing my violin when everything's so silent. Minutes turned into hours, and hours turned into even longer hours. I took a small nap while waiting but couldn't get much sleep. I'm too anxious.

I can tell everyone else felt the same way. Hak hasn't moved this entire time. He's just starring at the sea. Kija and Shin-Ah are just as anxious. Kija would fall asleep every now and then, but would suddenly wake up and start attacking the air. It was quite comical. But I'm a little worried about his stress levels.

Jea-Ha tries to get Hak to lie down but Hak says that scanning the harbor is his resting. Which I honestly don't doubt.

I walk over to Hak, hoping whatever conversation he and Jea-Ha are having will keep my occupied.

"Jeez, that's awful. He needs to develop a coping strategy. He looks awful." Jea-Ha says, commenting about Kija.

"You're tired too. You need sleep. A lot." Shin-Ah says appearing behind Jea-Ha.

I've begun to notice that Shin-Ah has an easier time speaking full sentences when he's around the other dragons. Maybe it's the dragon blood that brings familiarity to him so he feels more comfortable.

Jea-Ha jumps in fear, not expecting Shin-Ah to just appear behind him. "Shin-Ah I thought we went over this. No appearing out of nowhere and scaring people. Just walk up like a normal person." I sigh, shaking my head with a smile.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jea-Ha retorts. "But it's true. You look tired." Shin-Ah says. "That's not what all the other ladies said last night. They all said I looked great. I must've worn them out as usual." Jea-Ha says. Hak puts his hands up in a 'don't say anymore' way. As Kija and Shin-Ah have their mouth open in an 'O' position. I click my tongue in annoyance. "So that's what you've been doing while we're waiting for Yona and Yoon to send the signal so we can save them? Not very mature." I say, a slight glare. Jea-Ha chuckles nervously and scratches the back of his head. "A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do." He says.

Erased (Akatsuki no Yona X OC) Yona of the Dawn (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now