I Became a Pirate

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After buying my new weapons, Yoon told me to go to the camp since I stick out with my weapons while they go to gather information. I don't really mind. After all, poor Shin-Ah is there all alone. I make my way up the mountain and find Shin-Ah sitting at the edge of a cliff.

"See anything?" I ask. Shin-Ah just shakes his head. I sigh and sit next to Shin-Ah, placing my new weapons down. "Y'know, I haven't been with you guys for too long, but in the time we have been together, I've never seen your face." I comment. Shin-Ah visibility stiffens and I bite my lip. "I don't know all the details about your past but, what I do understand was...those villagers were stupid scumbags." I say. Shin-Ah looks at me, tilting his head a little. "They locked you away and fed you these lies about your power being a curse. But, in my opinion, everything and anything can be a blessing or a curse. It just depends on how you use it." I smile. "Your power could be unbelievably helpful when fighting bandits or armies. You could easily protect Yona. Is it a double edge sword? Ya, for the time being. But, not even you know how to use your power yet. So, maybe, there's a way to control the paralysis." I say. Shin-Ah continues staring at me, processing all the information I just said. "Plus, it kinda stinks that you have to stay behind. It has to be so lonely." I say. 'You already spent most of your life in solitude. Why do you still?'

I jump up and clap my hands suddenly. "Alright! I've decided!" I say with a smile, looking down at Shin-Ah who gives me a confused look. "I'm going to make it my personal mission to cure you!" I smile, crouching down in front of Shin-Ah. I hold my hand out and snicker with a cheeky smile. "Deal?" I ask. Shin-Ah stares at my hand for a moment, as if he's unsure what to do. I let out a small 'huh' as Shin-Ah places his mask down on my hand.

'He's so pretty. In a manly way.'

I stare into Shin-Ah's ominous eyes. They are gorgeous. They are beautiful golden dragon eyes, that are highlighted by red facial markings. I don't know what it was, but something about his face just made it extra special.

"Okay." Shin-Ah says blankly. I was caught off guard about seeing his face, I almost forgot about the deal I am making with him. I close-eyed smile with a small giggle. "You look so cute. Your eyes are beautiful Shin-Ah." I say. Shin-Ah gasps. 'Yona said the same thing.' He thinks. Shin-Ah must've been at his limit because he grabbed his mask out of my hands and put it on. I sigh with a smile and sit down next to him. 'This will take a while.'

"Hey, Shin-Ah." I say, looking out to the ocean. Shin-Ah looks at me as a sign that he's listening. "Don'tcha wanna see the port?" I ask. Shin-Ah gives me a confused look and I look out to the town. "Well, if you can bare 10 minutes without your mask, I can take you." I say. Shin-Ah seemed to be taken back by my offer and stares down at his lap. "You don't have to agree or anything. It's just an offer. You seemed pretty excited when we got here, so you were probably disappointed when you were told to stay." I explain. Shin-Ah continues looking down. It's as if half of him is yearning for him to go while the other is nailing himself to the ground where he sits. "Here, how about I make this easier for you." I say, standing up. Shin-Ah looks up at me in confusion. "Blue Dragon, Shin-Ah, I challenge you to a duel! If I win, you have to come to the port!" I say, pointing my finger down at Shin-Ah who sits there. "W-why?" Shin-Ah asks. "Well, for starters, I agreed to help you, and to do that we have to get rid of that mask. But we need to take baby steps in this situation. And...I REALLY WANNA TRY OUT MY NEW BABIES!" I say, cheering at the last part. "But Yoon...will get...mad." Shin-Ah says. I freeze and blink twice.

"Then we'll do hand-to-hand combat! First one to incapacitate their opponent wins!" I cheer, regaining my composure. "Do you accept?" I ask with a smirk. Shin-Ah stares at me for a moment before standing. He stands a few feet away from me and I take that as a yes.

Erased (Akatsuki no Yona X OC) Yona of the Dawn (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now