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Word count- 1842


"Young master, I think we should leave." A middle aged man said standing behind Hyunjin who was looking at the kids playing in the park with their friends. He looked at how happy they all seemed to be while running around behind each other and laughing when one of them tripped. He looked down at the ground, knowing his guard was right. There is no point in standing here and looking at things which would burn his wounds. He sighed before turning around and following his guard to the car.

The guard waited for Hyunjin to settle down before closing the door of the car behind him and walked towards the driver's seat.
"Mr.Hwang called me. He said that you have to be at 'Special hours' restaurant at 8:00 PM today. Its 6'o clock now. The restaurant is far from the mansion, we'll have to leave early, so it'll be preferable if you start getting ready as soon as we reach the mansion." The guard informed him in the most professional way he could. Hyunjin nodded and continued looking out of the window.

Hwang Hyunjin didn't like to talk at all. Even when he was asked to, he would just use gestures or nod his head to answer. Maybe it was because he grew up almost alone. His parents had always stayed away from him for business purposes, only returning on holidays. He never had friends growing up as he was home-schooled for half of his life. His goal in his life was crystal clear, that is to take up after his family business. His family was one of those rich families in Korea who had their business spread all over the globe.

Hyunjin had only last year requested his father, after the 'Arrangement' was made, to get him enrolled in a school. His father was hesitant at first, but considering the fact that Hyunjin has never asked for something all his life, he accepted his son's request got him enrolled in a School.

"Will Mr.Bang attend the dinner with his family?" Hyunjin softly asked.
"Yes. Your fiancée will be there." The guard answered referring to Christopher Bang Chan, Hyunjin's fiancée.
Hyunjin said nothing and thought about how he got tangled in this situation. He remembered the day very well. The day, the 'Arrangement' was made.

You see, a few years back his parents' company wasn't doing fine and they had to find someone to buy their shares to benefit the company. To their advantage, a certain someone was interested in their son more than their company. The person saw Hyunjin in a business party and thought about his own son. Hyunjin was the most beautiful person in the party. His manner, his way of walking and talking, his gestures, his way of holding a glass, his way of eating, every element of him screamed 'class'. The stranger, Mr.Bang soon approached the Hwangs with the proposal of the marriage and the others saw this as the perfect opportunity to bring their company back into business. They talked about it over a fancy dinner at the Hwang mansion and the 'Arrangement', well that's what Hyunjin likes to call it, was made.

Hyunjin remembers looking at everyone with shock, his eyes searching theirs for answers but he never got one. No one asked for his approval in this deal, even though it was all about him. The very night, he tried talking to his parents about it but his parents refused to hear anything he had to say. Two days later after that, he asked his father to get him into a school. But he never made friends there as well. He has seen movies and read books where the characters would fall in love with their friends, he didn't want that, especially after knowing that he was going to marry someone as soon as he turns eighteen. He din't want to take the risk.

After a few days of trying to ignore his parents for treating him as an object to use in a business deal, he gave up and joined hands with his fate. He accepted the fact that he was never the perfect son to his parents and that's why he was being treated like that. He blamed himself for not being good enough to handle his family business and thought of himself as nothing more than a mere object for making a business deal. His fiancée has even tried to approach him but he politely denied his requests because he was afraid that if he didn't like the older, it would not end good. He just wanted to save himself from the misery.

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