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Word Count- 2485


"Do you need something else, Chan Hyung?" Seungmin asked while looking at the couple on the bed in front of him with heart eyes. He adored the couple more than anything else. Chan had his back rested against the headboard while Hyunjin was laying on top of him with his head on the elder's broad chest and body wrapped up between his legs. The way Chan held Hyunjin so protectively in his arms as the other just fisted his shirt tightly, not wanting to let go. It was all very heart-warming. He was happy to see them united once again.

"No. Thank you." Chan replied, smiling at his friend before pulling the blanket up on Hyunjin and himself so that the younger was all covered up till his neck.
"Take care. Call me if needed. I'll be downstairs." Seugnmin spoke, returning the smile. Chan just nodded at him and watched the other leave their room.

"I-is Ji-Jisung okay?" Hyunjin asked, his small and weak voice penetrating the silence in the yellow lighted room. He suddenly remembered what he did to Jisung. It was like an unforgettable memory that will haunt him forever.
"He is good, don't worry." Chan said softly as his hands moved to take out the lip balm from the bed side drawer.

"I-I shou-ld apolog-ize." Hyunjin whispered, turning his head to look up at Chan who was busy opening up the lip balm's cap.
"He doesn't blame you." Chan said, squeezing the tube on top of Hyunjin's lips before keeping the tube aside, not forgetting to close it. The younger did not say anything back. He just stared at his husband who smiled at him. He felt butterflies in his stomach when Chan's finger touched his lips. The elder gently glided his fingers all over Hyunjin's lips to apply the lip balm all over his dry lips.

"It doesn't m-mean th-that I did not h-hurt him." Hyunjin reasoned as soon as Chan pulled his fingers away, only to cup younger's cheek. Chan's heart saddened as soon as he locked eyes with Hyunjin. He just looked so regretful and guilty.
"He understands what you were going through. Don't stress yourself-" Chan stopped speaking. The younger just looked so broken with the look on his face. It was hard for him to see and talk to Hyunjin like that. He wrapped his arms around Hyunjin before pulling him up so that the other was almost sitting on his lap.

"Don't do this to me." Chan said, looking in Hyunjin's eyes, their noses touching.
"I-I am s-sorry." Hyunjin replied, his eyes turning watery.
"Stop. Stop saying sorry. You didn't do anything wrong. Hyunjin, I have said it a thousand of time before and I will repeat it a thousand times more if I have to. You are nowhere at fault. You have done nothing wrong. Don't- Don't you dare think it is your fault ever again. All of the things that you told me which Minhyuk said to you. They are all untrue. You are not a burden. Not at all. Everybody loves you, Hyunjin. They care about you. You matter to all of us. I just don't understand why such an amazing person like you don't realize just how important you are. You took so good care of Jisung and Felix when they needed it. They are grateful to you. If it weren't for you, Changbin and Felix would have been sold and god knows what would have happened to them then. Even now you just went alone to face Minhyuk for all of us. You know what was going to happen to you there and still you went without even thinking of yourself for once. You are so beautiful, amazing, strong, brave- you are fucking perfect, Hyunjin. You are perfect. You are the most precious part of my life. I can't even imagine living without you. I am so lucky to have such a pure soul like you as my partner in my life. Please- Please don't ever leave me again. I become so lost without you. I feel like losing all my purpose without you. I-I love you, Hyunjin. I really do." Chan whispered the last words. He has been wanting to say those three words ever since. He felt right now would be the best time to just make Hyunjin realize how important he was to Chan.

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