Chapter 1

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So...MAFIA's finished...let's get started!

Kingdom Management. Lloyd's least favourite class. At least Nya was in there as well.

He met up with her by his locker, as usual, and the two walked to class.

"So, how's the hunt for your fairy godmother going?" The prince asked, nudging his best friend. She sighed, "Not good. Do I even have a fairy godmother?"

"Maybe you're looking in the wrong places," he said as they entered the classroom.


"Naveah Paris Charming! Lloyd Montgomery White! You two must learn punctuality. Naveah, your brother can explain this wonderfully, it's really not that hard, dearie!"

Nya rolled her eyes, "And this is why I hate my brother sometimes,"

The duo sat in their seats, and class started. Throughout the lesson, Nya looked over at the clock nervously. "Why do you keep doing that?" Lloyd asked.

"Doing what?"

"Staring up at the clock. It get that it's kinda a big deal, but it's not midnight!"

"I know...I have to open up the Glass Slipper in time. We just got a shipment of shoes, and I need to pack those away before customers arrive."

The Glass Slipper was the best shoe store in town, run by Cinderella's own daughter. Time slowly passed, and Lloyd shrunk into his seat, only sitting up straight when Miss White strode past (not Snow White, but the White Queen). Eventually the bell rang, only for it to be interrupted straight after.

"Could everyone please report to the Multi-Hex theatre? We have some important news!"

Lloyd gathered up his stuff and left the room, Nya next to him.

"We meeting up with Kai?" Nya nodded and pulled him along, so they wouldn't be scolded.

"Where is he?" Lloyd searched through the crowd of students, trying to find their spiky-haired friend.

"Just look out for a bunch of fainting people," Nya sighed.

"Hey! Lloyd, Nya! We're here! Zane's saved us seats!" The two whipped around to see Kai and Skylor waving towards them. Grinning they join the them and enter the Multi-Hex theatre and take their seat. It was a rule that the Royals and Rebels were to sit on opposite sides; Royals on the right, Rebels on the left. This meant that Nya couldn't sit with Jay.

Kai sat at the end, Skylor next to him. Next to Skylor was Nya, and then Lloyd, and then Zane.

"So, what's this special announcement?" Kai asked. Skylor shrugged, "Beats me,"

The room gradually fell silent as Headmaster Garmadon walked in. He was an elderly man, known for his long beard.

"Welcome, students," his eyes scanned the room, "Welcome back for another hexciting year at Legacy High! As you all know, this year is Legacy Day, where you will sign the Storybook of Legends in front of the whole kingdom! So, this year will be especially busy! Not only that, but Thronecoming is just around the block! I...think that is everything- oh yes! I wanted to remind you that Legacy Day is a big deal. All of you," he took a moment to pause and glare at Morro, "are to sign, and await your destinies!"

The assembly dragged on. Jay was dying of boredom. He was seated with Cole and Seliel. He'd made plans to swing by the Glass Slipper and meet Nya.

"Let's make this an amazing year! Work hard and make us proud! Now, off to your next lessons."

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