Chapter 6

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3rd Person POV

"What did you just say to me?"

Ali: Don't say it again!

Morro cleared his throat, "I said, what if I don't want to follow my destiny?"

Garmadon let out a roar of laughter, "You don't want to follow your destiny? What nonsense! Do you know how...ridiculous you sound? Mr Queen, when it comes to this, there are no objections. You are to sign the book and accept your fate. And yet, you bring up this idea of not wanting to follow through with it! Preposterous! Do you know the type of example you're setting to the other students?!"

"I...just don't think it's fair-"

"Fair? Fair? Mr White, where are you?"

Lloyd tentatively stepped forward and raised a hand. Garmadon smirked, "You want your happy ever after, don't you? I've heard you go on about it since New Chapter Day!"

"I do, but-"

"See there? Who here wants to live out their fairy tail destiny?"

Almost half the student body's hands shot up, and Garmadon folded his arms triumphantly, "Almost everyone wants their happy ever after, but they might not get it because of your decision! Now proceed with your pledge!"

Morro gritted his teeth, and clenched his fists, "No."

"I beg your pardon?"

"I said no. I don't want to poison anyone, or hurt my friends!"

Before Garmadon could say anything more, Morro ran off.

Everyone was stunned after what just went down. "I was going to say I'd rather have a stranger poison me instead of one of my close friends," Lloyd mumbled under his breath.

"Everyone, this practise is over!" Garmadon fumed, as they all left.


Morro could have not felt more proud of himself. He stood up for what he believed in, and he couldn't give one about Headmaster Garmadon's opinion at this point.

He wandered through the Enchanted Forest, before bumping into the Well of Wonder. Placing his hands on the edge, he looked into the endless hole. He could just jump, and that would be all. He'd be in Wonderland, and he could hide out there for the rest of his life, and he wouldn't have to sign-

"Morro? You here?" Lloyd pushed through the bushes, until he spotted Morro, "There you are!"

"Lloyd. Do you want your happy ending? I...I'll sign only if you want it."

The blonde shook his head, "Garmadon cut me off. I said I do want it, but I don't want to be poisoned by my own family."

Morro hugged his cousin tightly and Lloyd returned the hug, "I need to get outta here," he mumbled, and Lloyd nodded, understandingly. "Sure, I sorta need to clear my head as well,"

The two split ways. Morro ventured further into the Enchanted Forest, and Lloyd made his way to the dorms, only to be stopped by Headmaster Garmadon.

"Ah, Lloyd, there you are!"

"Yes, sir?"

"I need you to...keep an eye on your roommate. Give him that nudge towards following his mother's footsteps," Lloyd straightened up and faced the teacher boldly.

"Headmaster, Morro said he doesn't want to follow his destiny, and I respect that. Nothing you say can change that. I'm sorry."

He marched off into the building.


"Hey! Phoebe, right?"

Pixal turned to see a smiling boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. Zane!

"Yeah! Everyone calls me Pixal,"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Zane!" Zane blushed lightly, as did Pixal.

"I're a nindroid, just like me,

" did you know?"

"My scanner notified me,"

"Um...please, if you mind, could you keep this a secret? Nobody knows...and I'm worried that they'll shun me..."

"Don't worry, my lips are sealed..."

"Pixal? I are hiding something? If it discomforts you to tell others, I won't pry further-"

"Actually..." Pixal nervously scratched the back of her head, "it would be nice to tell someone..."

"Of course! What's troubling you?"

Pixal looked around to make sure nobody was listening in, "I only just recently found out about my destiny. Before, I used to think my future was to be the next professor of Advanced Elfonomics,"

"But...Mr Borg runs that class. You wouldn't be the next professor if- oh I see..."


"Mr Borg is your father...and Farrah Goodfairy is your mother..."

The blonde girl chewed her lip and nodded, "That is correct,"

"I won't tell anyone. Would to hang out, any time?"

Pixal's eyes widened. Was this really happening?!

"Yes! Of course! Does tomorrow work for you?"

The prince nodded, "I'd love that. Perhaps we could meet in the library,"

"Sure! I'll see you tomorrow...noon? Afternoon? Evening? Morning?"

"Uh...does 11 work for you?"

"Sure, I don't have anything planned!"

Zane grinned, "Great! Then I will...see you at 11!"


She waited until he was out of sight and earshot, before doing a dorky victory dance.


Avoiding Jay was the hardest thing Nya had done. She kept bumping into his friends, and Seliel, who shot her weird looks.

Great. Stupid breakups!

Suddenly, she felt somebody grab her arm and pull her aside, only to see Kai. She smiled awkwardly.

"Hey, Kai,"

"Hey. Listen I just...I know this won't solve anything but...I should have been more supportive. Of your relationship with Jay. I was too wound up in the fairy tail. I kept thinking I knew what was best for you, but you're almost an adult! You should be able to make those choices. And yes, I think you're being extremely reckless with this decision, but if you're happy, I'm happy. I support you. And...I'm sorry,"

Nya smiled and hugged her big brother, "Thank you for understanding, but I don't think Jay'll want me back. Everyone's been giving me weird looks,"

"Want me to scare em' off?"

The princess laughed lightly, "No, this is something I need to do on my own...I'll figure it out...somehow."

Kai beamed at his sister, "I know you will, sis."

UNRELATED NOTE: I tried Boba tea for the first time, and I now am obsessed with it-

Okie bai!

Love, Ali <3

I found this edit JAYAAAAAAAA-

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