Chapter 8

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3rd Person POV

Dress Fitting. One of Skylor's least favourite moments. Currently, she, Nya, Seliel, Pixal and Harumi were all getting measured for their dresses, since Legacy Day was approaching

"A bit too tight!" Pixal gasped, and the pixies loosened the grip, and she sighed in relief.

"So...y'all got your speeches down for when you pledge your destiny?" Seliel spoke up, as she raised her arms. Skylor shrugged, "Can I off last minute and hide out in the Enchanted Forest until Legacy Day's over?"

"No, they've got guards all over the place," Nya sighed, "I just hope something happens so we can take a raincheck...and then I won't have to sign-"

"Oh, please!" Harumi sneered, "You're only saying that because of Jay! If you two hadn't gotten back together, you'd be begging to sign that book!"

"Easy for you to say!" Skylor scoffed, adjusting the sleeves, "You just prance around on a lake!"

"Well at least you don't have to turn into a swan!" Harumi retorted.

"At least you don't have to sleep for a hundred years!" the redhead snapped back, "You get to stay in the real world and experience everything! Meanwhile I'm locked up in a tower asleep, and when I finally wake up, everyone I love will probably be dead-"

"Boo hoo! Spare me your sob story!"

That was it for Skylor. Immediately, she wriggled out of the fancy dress and slipped on her normal clothes, "I'm done here. I'll come back for fitting another time," she muttered, leaving the rest of the girls stunned. Nya glared at Harumi.

"What?" she snapped.

"Happy now? Look, I get that you don't like how your fairy tale ends, but it's how the shoe fits. Taking out your rage on others won't make a difference," Nya takes off her gown and changes back into her own clothes, "I'm out too,"

Slowly, Seliel and Pixal do the same thing, murmuring excuses and leaving Harumi on her own. The swan princess scoffs and let's the pixies continue with the fitting.


As Pixal went back to her dorm, a sudden movement flashed before her eyes. She gasped, as the scene started playing again:

A cloaked figure, sneaking into the Headmaster's office, and stealing the Storybook of Legends, replacing it with a fake. The setting moved to the same cloaked figure throwing the book down the Well of Wonder.

Pixal snapped herself back into reality, and took a sharp intake of breath, as she remembered the Magic 101 teacher's words in her head.

"Your power allows you to sense an issue occurring, if it has something to do with an upcoming event. That's how the fairy godmother senses Cinderella's troubles and helps her,"

The blonde suddenly realised what this meant; Legacy Day wasn't going to go as planned.


Nya smiled as she walked hand-in-hand with Jay. People stopped and stared at the couple. And for the first time, the two of them just didn't care.

"Hey, you two!" Kai approached them, grinning. He had a helmet tucked under his armpit, and girls were going crazy.

Jay grinned, "Hey!"

Kai had started to like Jay; him and his sister looked pretty damn good together! "Aren't you supposed to be at your fitting?" he asked Nya. She shrugged, "There was...a small fight, and it resulted in Skylor walking out, and then the rest of us following her..."

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