Chapter 7

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3rd Person POV

It was almost 11, and Pixal was waiting for Zane outside the library. She saw him approach, and her heart fluttered, "H-Hi!"

"Hey! S-Should we go in?"

"Uh, yeah, sure!"

The two entered the library. Zane gently nudged Pixal towards a table, "Let's sit here," They took their seats, and for the first few minutes, they spent it, in awkward silence. Zane cleared his throat, ", do you like any authors?"

"Uh y-yeah, there's a few. Have you heard of R. D. Blackmoor?"

"Yes! I love his books, Lorna Doone especially!"

"Me too!"

They spent an entire hour discussing the plot of Lorna Doone (which is a good book, highly recommend it), and other books they both shared an interest in, as well as getting shushed constantly by the two librarians, Krux and Acronix.

Time had flown by, and soon enough, it was 5:00. As they packed up, Zane spoke first, "I had fun today."

Pixal blushed and smiled, "Me too. We should do this again sometime,"

"Same time next week?"

"I thought you'd never ask! Wanna walk with me to the dorms?"

"Of course!"

They walked through the hallways together, towards the dorm wing. They arrived at Pixal's dorm first, and Zane dropped her off.

"I'll see you around!"

"You too!"

As Pixal entered the empty dorm, she fell onto her bed and let out a happy squeal. She couldn't wait to tell Seliel! Her phone chimed with a notification, and she read it.

You have one new MirrorGram follower: z.julien

Pixal smiled at that.


Zane twisted the lock, and entered his dorm, where Kai was looking out the window. He was signalling something. The ice prince walked over to him, only to see him trying to talk to Skylor without yelling and waking the others up. He shook his head and laughed, before flopping onto his bed and scrolling through MirrorGram.

There was a picture that Nya had posted a few days ago; with her and Pixal standing outside the school with their arms around each other. The photo was captioned 'Found my fairy godmother! This girl is freaking awesome! pix.imogen'

Zane clicked onto Pixal's account, and some pictures loaded up. Her most recent one was the same as Nya's, and her other photos consisted of selfies and photos with friends. He followed her, and minutes later he got a notification saying that she'd followed him back.

Kai's POV

"No, sandwich! Do. You. Want. To. Get. A. Sandwich? What? No! Not bandwidth!"

Skylor and I were trying to communicate from opposite sides of the dorm wings, and it wasn't going so well. Giving up, I take my phone and call her. She answered immediately, "Ha! You lost the bet!"

The realisation hit me, "GAH! Fine! I was asking if you wanted to grab a sandwich,"

She laughed over the line, "Sure! You could've just asked, instead of boring me to death about bandwidth!"

I groan in frustration and cut the call. I love my girlfriend, but we always get competitive at these things. It's pretty funny, actually. I pass Zane, who was staring into space with a dorky smile plastered on his face (Hey! That rhymes-). I grin, "You good, bud?"

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