Chapter 5

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Pixal's POV

It felt like everything had stopped, "D-Did you just say...fairy godmother?"

"Yes! You can grant wishes, but they only last till 12,"

"Midnight or noon?"

"Whichever comes first."


Violet beamed, "Don't look so glum, you have powers! We gotta tell Garmadon! Thanks, Wu!"

Wu chuckled, "Glad I could help,"

Without warning, Violet grabs my arm and pulls me to the lift. We return to the library and rush through the halls. I see dad teaching a lesson. We arrive outside Garmadon's office, and Violet bursts inside, "Headmaster Garmadon, you'll never guess what-"

She stopped short after seeing Nya and Jay sitting together, while Garmadon was in the middle of a lecture. "Miss Hatter, Phoebe! Can't you two see I'm busy?"

"Yes, but this is important! Pixal's the daughter of Farrah Goodfairy!"

There was a collective gasp, not from Garmadon, but from Nya. It then occurred to me that I was part of her fairytail.

"...Okay...Jay, Violet, you two are dismissed. Phoebe, Nya, stay behind,"

I watch as they both escort themselves out of the room. I cautiously take a seat beside Nya, who flashes me a small smile.

"The daughter of Farrah Goodfairy?"

"Y-Yes, sir,"

"Well then...Phoebe Imogen...Goodfairy...Phoebe Imogen Goodfairy...when did you find this out?"

My blood runs cold. How do I answer this?

"I a book! And everyone was saying how Farrah looked exactly like me, and Violet connected the dots?" It came out more like a question, but Garmadon seemed to believe it.

"So, that makes you a Royal. Okay then. Do you know how to harness your powers?"

I shake my head. Garmadon nods, "Very well. We'll cancel out your classes and replace them with..." his voice trails off as he flicks through a binder, "Magic 101, Good Magic Mastery, Magicology, Beast Care and Magicment...and I'd like you to attend the following extra curriculars: Fairy Club and Wand-Making Club" (yes, according to the wiki fandom website, these are the class names, and Magic 101 is what I made up)


"That will be all. Look at that, Miss Charming, your hunt for your fairy godmother has proven successful! Now, remember what we talked about,"

Nya stood up, "With all due respect, sir, I love Jay. I don't want to break up with him, I hope you can understand where I'm coming from-"

"I'll understand your perspective when pigs fly!" he snapped, causing both of us to jump, "You two coming out has proven to be a terrible choice, following on with your...disputes with your fellow classmates and brother. I suggest you do what is best for your fairy tail. Dismissed."

I stand up, and pull Nya along with me. "Are you okay?" I ask, seeing her face. She nods,


She suddenly pulls me into a tight hug.

"I thought my fairy godmother would be someone snobby, and mean, but I'm glad it's you," I smile at that, "Thank you,"


3rd Person POV

It had been a few days since Pixal found out about her mother. Other students had all found out as well, but the secret about Borg being her father remained...well, a secret.

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