Chapter 15

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3rd Person POV

"Camille Jester!" Lizzy snapped, "You may be a joker, but this isn't funny! You'll pay for this!"

"Not when I'm Queen!"

"Not gonna happen, Camille!" Kai called out, "We won't let you!"

The jester laughed, "Really? Is that so? This is my school, and we follow my rules and I can do whatever I want! If you really want to graduate and leave here, it's easy!" she giggled, pulling on some rope. Another bookshelf also opened, revealing a large scroll attached to the top. It unrolled, trailing all the way to the ground, and landing beside Camille's feet, "This contract stipulates that you've signed over all your rights as heiress to the Queen of Heart's throne - to me!"

Lizzy glared up at Camille, "Never!"

Camille simpered and handed her a pen, "It's a simple choice, Lizzy Hearts. You, and your friends can spend the rest of your lives here at school or...'voluntarily' sign...on the dotted line."

Lizzy stared between the contract and her new friends, " friends will be free?"

Skylor shook her head rapidly, "Don't do it, Lizzy!"

"She'll become Queen of Wonderland!" Jay yelped.

"But, Jay, she'll let us go. If we stay here, we're doomed anyway."

Morro stepped forward, "Lizzy, listen to me. You have to be the Queen of Hearts! It's your....destiny!"

Lloyd smirked, "You're one to talk!"

The Rebel scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, "I know, I've never really been big on destiny, but look, sometimes following your heart and following your destiny are the same thing."

"Your heart has always been set on being the next Queen, Lizzy," Tox added, "You can't give up on it now!"

"How...heartfelt!" Camille sighed, before snapping, "Just. Sign. The contract!"

"I..." Lizzy seemed to have made up her mind, and dropped the contract, before snapping the pen in half, "I won't!"

Camille's face grew an evil grin, "Then you are detention!"

The White Rabbit hopped up to Camille, "Uh, Vice Principle? Wonderland school rules say you cannot give them detention w-w-without a d-disciplinary trial at the school c-c-court."

Camille laughed maniacally (i now realise how perfect ultra violet would have been at the role of the jester-), "Why would I permit that?"

"'s your rule,"

"Is it? Well then, it must be followed." She placed a hand on her chin thoughtfully, "A trial will be a fun way to...find you guilty!" she laughed crazily, "Summon the witnesses! Prepare the court!" The Rabbit hopped away, and the guards followed behind, pushing the students along.

Ali: Meanwhile, back at Legacy High, Harumi was going to tell Headmaster Garmadon about her findings.

The blonde smirked as she strode towards the Headmaster's office. Briskly, she gave the door two sharp raps.


Harumi entered the office, "Headmaster Garmadon? I'd hate to tell on fellow students, but I found out about something, and I just thought you had to hear about it!"

Garmadon sighed, massaging the bridge of his nose, "What is it, Miss Swan?"

"Well, I was passing the dorms, when I overheard Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, Lloyd and Morro talking about going to Wonderland to retrieve the Book of Legends!" Garmadon scoffed at this, "Impossible! All the paths to Wonderland have been sealed off...except for the Well of Wonder...but you won't get there alive."

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