Chapter 2

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Pixal's POV

I knock on the door, "Can I come in?"

"Y-Yes, of course!"

Smiling, I push open the door of the Advanced Elfonomics classroom. "Is everyone gone?" Borg asks me. I smile, "Yes, dad!"

He wheels over towards me and I bend down to hug him.

I had a secret; while all the students here were the sons and daughters of fairy tail legacies, I was the daughter of the Advanced Elfonomics professor. I don't know how I managed to end up attending such a prestigious school, but I guess fate has plans.

I never knew my mother...I was also different from the other students here because I am a robot. I wasn't born; I was built. Nobody knows, not even my roommate.

"Pixal, do you mind grabbing that box?"

"No, not at all!" I lift the cardboard box up, and my eyes avert to the desk where several framed photos. Mainly just pictures of the school and photography, but one picture catches my eye; a beautiful woman, smiling at the camera.

"Your mother was a beautiful woman," I jump and turn to see Borg shutting down his computer, as he looks over and smiles at me warmly.

"Can...Can I keep this?"

"Why, of course!"

I take the frame and carefully store it in my bag, before lifting the box and making my way out of the classroom, holding the door for my father as well.

"So Legacy Day is approaching soon," I start as we walk along the corridor, "am I gonna sign off as the future Advanced Elfonomics professor?"

I meant it as a subtle joke, but at the same time I wanted to know what will happen to me.

Dad sighed, "Pixal, I am just a normal teacher. Your mother however...she- we broke the rules. After you were built, her parents found out about us, our secret marriage and...left."

"Was my mother a Royal?" I ask, my voice getting excited. Would this have something to do with my future too?

"Yes. Oh look! We're here, thank you for the help, you'd better get to your dorm," he gives me a hug and takes the box from my arms, placing it in his lap. "Dad?"

"Yes, dear?"

"You said my mother was a Royal...which Royal character was she?"

"I...I can't say. That's a question for the man under the school."

"Dad, please!"

"Pixal, I want to tell you, I really do, but all the other teachers and students here think that you're here on a scholarship because I have a job in this school. Things would turn to chaos if they found out!"

"But, who's the man under the school?!"

"That's a question for you to find out. I must get going, I will see you in tomorrow's lesson,"

Before I could say anything more, he shuts the door hastily. Sighing in frustration, I make my way back to my dorm


"Pix! There you are!" Seliel grins from her vanity table.


Setting my bag down, I open it up, bringing out of the photo frame. I set it on my dresser table and smile at it.

"Who's she? She's pretty!"

I take my hair out, "That's my mother, I don't know what happened to her."

"She looks familiar, I think I've seen her picture before in my History of Tall Tales lesson."

I perked up, "Really? Do you know what fairy tale she's from?"

"Pix, you know I hate that class! I stopped bothering in it after the first lesson in my first year!"

" you know someone named 'The Man Under The School'?"

"Like I said, Pix, I don't listen in that class, but you can ask Violet Hatter. She's nuts! She'd probably know riddles and that,"

I frown, "What makes you think that this is a riddle?"

"You don't actually believe that there's a person living under the school, do you?"

"Maybe...I'll just sleep on it,"

I go to the window and rest my elbows on the edge. There's someone there, a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. My scanner told me that he was a droid, just like me.

Zachary Tyrone Winters...




Skylor's POV

I'd spent the day with Kai, just the two of us. We'd gone to the Hocus Latte, and spent the day in the Library just goofing off and getting scolded by the stepsisters.

He'd dropped me off outside my dorm, before leaving me to get on with my night. Nya and I were planning on having a movie night with Lloyd, and he was coming over soon with some popcorn.

I'd just finished arranging a blanket fort when Nya arrived, looking stunned, "You okay?" I ask, as I finish placing the last few pillows. She blinks and nods, "Yeah, just Mom let me in on a family secret, she told me where the glass slipper was kept, and said I couldn't let anyone know where it's kept,"

"Oh, cool!" I was intrigued, but I didn't pry any further, "Wanna help set up? You can choose the movie!"

She grinned and joined me, as we layered more blankets, and dimmed the lights. Minutes later there was a knock on the door and Lloyd entered, wielding bags of popcorn, soda, candy and some cookies. "Morro's gone to spend the night at Violet's place," he explained, setting the food down, "you guys pick out a movie?"

"Yup!" Nya tossed a CD case at Lloyd, which he neatly catches, "Hunger Games. Nice choice!"

My roommate grinned, before clapping her hands, "Alrighty, let's get going! You guys know my story, things start to get crazy when the clock strikes twelve,"

Lloyd faked a gasp, "My candy will dissolve into nothingness?!"

We all burst out laughing and curl up, as Nya inserts the disk. The screen comes to life, and we start watching the movie.

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