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I was walking in the middle of nowhere. I can see a figure at the end point of where I am walking. His face is familiar. It was HIM, why is he here? He was not supposed to be here. I run as fast as I can. I wanna hug him tightly, and I wanna say sorry. But no matter how I run fast, he was still away from me. Does he hate me that much? 


"Chanel, your friend is here!" I fell from my bed and my head was hit badly on the floor. Again.

"What?" I asked her while was just looking at me like she never saw what happened. She is really dense.

"Get ready, you're friend is here waiting." friend? I looked at my clock. 

"Seriously? A friend will visit me early in this morning?" who the hell will visit me? I don't even have a friend.

"James is not here to visit you, he is here to fetch you." James? I hurriedly went downstairs. And speaking of the devil, he was in the couch.

"What are you doing here?" I went to face him. He just gave me a smirk.

"Is that how you greet a friend?" right, I remember now. I have a friend and unfortunately, it was him.

"Well yes if you went here this early. You just ruin my dream Anderson." he suddenly poke my head. What  is his problem? "Why did you that?"

"I told you, you must call me dude. We're already friends, right?" I don't remember that.

"Well, I don't have any problem calling you by your name, so I don't need to call you dude" I answered him.

"Still, you must call me dude, and don't even ask why." I'm tired of arguments though so I just agree with him.

"Now get ready, cause we're running late." what is he talking about.

"I don't even remember I hired you as my driver dude." I can see that he can see the confusion in my face.

"Is going to school with my new friend is a crime now?" he moved closer to me.

"Yes? No, I mean it is fine but you don't have to." I looked away from him.

"Yes I have to. Since you are my friend, I have to take care of you." I gave up the conversation and went immediately to my room to get ready.

We used bikes when we go to school as he wanted to spend more time to know me. 

"We're going home together later okay?" is it really necessary?

"No, it's fine, I can go home alone. And besides, we have different ways right?" I just don't want to make it hard for him. He doesn't have to.

"No, it's fine by me. I'll take you home." he is a torture for me. I said nothing after that.

While the professor was still discussing stuff I already knew. I kept myself busy, writing about my dream last night. Why did I saw him last night? It was like 10 years ago the last time I saw him. 

"What are you doing?" can't he has his own business?

"Nothing. I just got bored listening at the same topic again and again." I whispered. He suddenly laughed loudly. What's his problem?

"Hey stop it." I cursed him but instead he laugh out loud.

"Mr. Anderson, what the hell are you doing?" shoot, this is what I said.

"Ms. Lancaster just told me the funniest story." he said laughing. What is he doing?

"Ms.Lancaster? What was it all about?" I'll kill you Anderson, I swear.

"Ummm-" I can't say anything. I just glared at him.

"Both of you, out!" that means detention. I hurriedly went outside.

"Hey, wait" he is really pissing me off.

"Don't talk to me Anderson." I hissed.

"Hey, I told you to call me dude." he grab my wrist, now I am facing him.

"Not now. You just damn brought me to detention because of your stupid idea." I took my hand away from his grip but unfortunately I can't. I looked at him saying to let go of me.

"Is that how you thank me for doing a little favor?" thank you? I can't believe this guy.

"Why should I thank you?" I looked at him.

"I just damn save you from that torture dude. You tell me you're bored right? So, I help you get out from that hell." is he serious? I am still looking at him. "Yeah I know, that look, you're thanking me." I can't believe just a couple of days he can already read my mind.

After the detention, we went to our hidden place.

"Who was that guy?" what is he talking about?

"Who?" I don't even remember talking to a guy except him.

"The guy in your dreams. The one you're writing about a while ago?" he was watching me? 

"He was a friend of mine but not anymore." I said coldly. Like a part of me is hurting.

"How come?" he really wanna know.

"Look, I'll tell you a story but promise me you'll keep it." I guess if I wanna make friends with him, I must trust him first. He got silent and I know what it means, he is listening.

"I really came from Texas. It is where my life supposed to be. But it is not anymore. There, I found Robert, he was my best friend, the only person who understands me. He filled the 10 years of my childhood with the happiest memories of my life. We made a pact that we should always be there for each other, that no one will leave. But, I have to and I leave him without even saying goodbye cause I know he will be hurt." I can feel the tears in my face. "We went to Paris and lived there for 2 years. Then from Paris, we moved to New York for my family businesses. And after 2 years, we went to Portland and there my father died. My mom decided to moved to Amsterdam beacause of the opputunities. After what happened to Texas, I never make friends anymore. I don't even talk to people, including my mom. I am happy with my novels, I consider them as my friends. I decided to bury the10 years happiest memories of my life. I am happy in Amsterdam but mom got too busy that she don't even know if I went home safely of I've eaten my breakfast. So grandma decided to take me here in Canada, and I was left with no choice." I sighed and looked at him. I can see the sorrow on his eyes. Why?

"That's why you don't want to be friends with me? Cause you don't want to hurt me like what you did 10 years ago." I am confused with his words. Maybe I'm just thinking out loud.

"Yes, but you forced me and I can't do something about that." 

"I am already hurt 10 years from now and it's torturing me." what's he's trying to say? UGH, his words kept passing through my mind. Why it really hard for me to read him? Am I that stupid?

"I was hurt a long time ago Lancaster, so please, don't you ever do that again, I'll die." he was looking at me. This time I do not know what he wanted to say. I just see tears forming on his brown hazel eyes.

"I won't. I promise."

Can I really keep my promise? Or I will be another torture to him?

Fall Part 1: Let Him GoWhere stories live. Discover now