𝖎. Princess of Disaster

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𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖘𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗
princess of disaster
volume i, chapter i


THERE'S A RAINBOW AROUND EVERY CORNER — at least, that's what Princess Akiara thinks.

Like that time she saw a koalaotter just happily back-stroking, blissfully ignorant of the wolf practically drooling overhead. Obviously Akiara went to save the koalaotter because hello, she was not about to let it become that wolf's lunch! Of course, she did end up getting scratched by the wolf and yeah, OK, it kind of did hurt, but it's not like she died or anything. And she became the rainbow for that koalaotter, didn't she? Just before it's world went dark, she splashed some color into it.

(And she got a totally cute pet out of it!)

Anyway. Akiara likes to blame her whole chaotic thing on the fact that she's a water-bender, because she never really thinks before she acts. She's more of a go-with-the-flow kinda girl. Of course, realistically, Akiara knows she's just a dumbass. She's always getting up to some sort of mischief, even if she doesn't mean to. It just sort of happens. Like she's the princess of disaster instead of princess of the Northern Water Tribe.

     Of course, if Akiara's the princess of disaster, then Yue's the princess of perfection. Literally. Akiara doesn't know how Yue does it, but her older sister is actually perfect. They're total opposites. It's like how that saying goes; for every yin there must be a yang, blah, blah, blah. Or something like that. Yue's everything that Akiara isn't. Graceful, elegant, classy, charming, the list goes on and on. And OK, maybe Akiara is a little jealous. But can you blame her? You'd be jealous too, if your older sister was basically an angel! Of course, Akiara still loves Yue. Obviously. Yue's her sister.

     It's just that Yue also happens to be better than Akiara at everything. So.

Speaking of perfection! Yue herself is coming this way, and she's frowning — which just looks plain wrong on her soft and delicate features — and suddenly Akiara's panicking because uh-oh, what did she do this time?

     Internally panicking, Akiara gives Yue a winning smile. "Whatever it was, I didn't do it!"

     Yue's frown deepens. Uh-oh. It's the same look Akiara's seen mothers give their disobedient children. Akiara starts panicking externally.

     "I mean, what?" Akiara tries to do a fake laugh but it sounds so horrible that she just gives up. She tries to give Yue a winning smile. "Have I ever told you how much I love you, sister dearest? So, so, so, so, so, so — !"

     Yue interrupts her before Akiara can say like, her millionth so. Evidently Yue isn't stupid enough to fall for Akiara's really horrible acting skills. Surprise, surprise.

"Akiara," says Yue.

"Yue," says Akiara.

"Master Pakku came by earlier," says Yue and Akiara tries not to gulp or look too guilty because yeah, she might remember pulling a teensy-weensy little prank that didn't go so well for Master Pakku. Oops! "Someone bent the water in the canals well enough for a wave to wash over him and then freeze his feet to the ground."

"Wow," says Akiara. "That's crazy."

     "Isn't it?" Yue asks. "He saw a koalaotter there and he swears he saw you."

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