4 - Old Man

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Task: Write a paragraph of descriptive writing suggested by this image. 

Here is the example the teacher gave us:

The frozen winter afternoon beyond the window brought a blue stillness to the room. Slowly, the head lifted out of the palm of his hands. His eyes, which had been shut for what seemed like centuries, opened painfully and he examined the room around him. Although the room was dark, the faint light that filtered through the window seemed to hurt his eyes. "Where am I?" he wondered, looking into the empty room for answers. Terrified, the man bundles the few possessions into his pockets and painfully walked towards the door.

The distant blares of car horns sounded. His eyes churned like a raging tempest - the venerable man seemed to be drowning in his own grief. His wrinkles drastically deepened as every reluctant, painful second lingered. He couldn't take it. The loathsome flashbacks, the isolated echoes, the - her - tortuous screams, throbbing in his ears. The unbearable weight of remorse on his shoulders. 

It's super short, so I'm sorry about that. If anyone actually reads this, will you be able to give me some sort of prompt? It would be deeply appreciated, thanks. 


- Chloe Isabella

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