6 - Exposure

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Task: You have been in the trenches for days, waiting for the instruction the you will be going into No Man's Land. Write a diary entry describing your wait in the trenches.

A short burst of bullets ripped me from my daydream. Hunched low, my feet sunk into the foul,  amorphous liquid. Sharp as a razor blade, the wind stung my cheeks. This deep narrow, ditch was more of a torture chamber than a safe place. Decaying aromas forced me to gag. I involuntarily squeaked as a rat clambered over my feet. Faint coughing echoed throughout the suffocating chamber. Time heaved on, but always seemed to slow, as if the weight on its back got heavier as each painful minute passed. Another period of gunfire... Another malevolent wind, poised to attack... Another rat, bracing itself to devour a fresh corpse... Time loitering, dragging out our agonising torment. 

Sorry it's short again! I'm thinking of creating a new book for my GCSE poem analysing.


- Chloe Isabella

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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