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"Nice to meet you."


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Dear diary,
A few days have passed since that handsome weirdo tried to buy us. He gave me a cigarette back stage. That girl that he was with was ever so beautiful, she looked like she could be a movie star. I've always wanted to be a movie star. Dot doesn't. We usually do what Dot says.

Like when we sang. I've never been more embarrassed in my life. I could tell that Miss Elsa wasn't too happy with us either. Jimmy says "That's on a count of her being jealous." I don't think that's it. I like Jimmy, I think Dot likes him more.

I'm finally starting to fit in here, even if Dot doesn't like it yet. I'm still scared that she will want to get the surgery. She couldn't live without me. She'd be nobody without me. We wouldn't be in the freakshow anymore. I just don't think that she is thinking straight.

Would she really want me dead so she could be happy?


I hate this house. Dandy is a horrible spoiled man-child and Gloria just lets him walk all over them. Me and Dora have become quite good friends in the time I've been here. She likes me because I'm not a brat and I like her because she's the only normal one here.

But I'm stuck here. I have no money of my own.

I want to go back to the freakshow. I want to see those twins again. I want to talk to them.

I slip out while Dandy is doing one of his daily boring puppet shows. I think I remember the way to the Freakshow.

I scramble up the roads looking for it. When I finally see the tent my face lights up and I run straight there.

"Show doesn't start for a few hours, missy." A lady with a thick German accent tells me. I remember her from the show. She sang. I don't think Dandy liked her very much. She's the woman that told him he couldn't buy the twins.

"I'm really sorry ma'am. I'd just like to see one of your freaks. I need to talk to them." Calling them 'freaks' made my heart sink, but I couldn't find another word.

"You need a ticket to see my monsters." She said, and with that turned away from me. I decided to sneak around a bit to try and find them, I start running behind trailers and bump into 'Lobster boy'.

"Woah." He says, grabbing me before I fall, "What's a pretty lady like you running around here for?" He sees the big diamond engagement ring on my finger and let's go of me immediately.

"I'm looking for someone... could you help me?"

"Hey... weren't you at the show a few days ago? With that brat. You aren't marrying him are you?" He ignores my question.

"I hardly think that's any of your business..."

"He's trouble lady."

"I'll make that decision myself, thank you very much. Now will you help me or not?" I say firmly, though I know that Dandy is bad news. He nods.

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