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"They're gone?"

"They're gone?"

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I fall to my knees as I find myself in front of the tent once again. I need to see Bette. I don't care anymore, even though she said she can't help me I need to see her at least one more time.
I just sit on the floor for a few moments, catching my breath, covered in the only person who cared about me since I got here's blood. I start to cry hysterically again just thinking about it. I must be really loud because people start coming out of their trailers. A new girl who I haven't seen before is clung to Jimmy's arm, they run over to me.

"Nancy?" He says, the girl he is with kneels down beside me. "Nancy what has that man done to you?" He asks again. I cover my ears with my hands and scream. I think I'm going crazy.

"Everyone leave her be!" Elsa shouts, making everyone jump. Everyone starts going back to their trailers, Jimmy stays where he is.

"I'm not leaving her Elsa." He says. A bearded lady comes behind him and tries to drag him away. "Mom stop! I'm staying!"

"What's wrong with you girl, are you hurt?" Elsa says to me. I shake my head. "There, she's fine. Now leave her alone."

"She's obviously not fine." Jimmy says, taking my hand. "Here, lets get you cleaned up and you can tell me everything." He says, leading me to his trailer. He lifts me up onto his counter.

My throat feels like it's closing up. I can't breathe.

"Woah it's okay. Just breathe." He says calmly. He gets me a glass of water and I sip it slowly, but my breathing doesn't return to normal for ages.

"What happened?" He asks, sitting next to me. I can't think about it without my face screwing up and tears flowing down my cheeks. "You don't need to talk about it now."

"B-be-bette..." I manage to choke out. He looks saddened.

"They ran away." My eyes widen at this. Tears flow again.

"They're gone?" I cry, He suddenly jumps down from the counter and gives me a hug. A hug that calms me down, yet I can't help but cry into his shirt, I'm probably getting Dora's blood all over him. He doesn't care. He just holds me.

Love is a losing game.


Dear diary,

We are in Dandy's house. I've never been happier. We get to eat all this fancy food, he's very handsome. Maybe we'll even get a pretty ring like what Nancy wore... Nancy. It seems I have almost forgotten her face, and even my feelings towards her.
I wonder why she isn't here, because she said that she needed to get away from Dandy.
I don't see why, he's a wonderful man. Why would she give all of this up and want to come and sleep on the floor of our tent? I think I could possibly even love him. I don't think Dot does. She seems angry. I think she still likes Jimmy. We've done whatever she has wanted for our whole lives, it's time for me to take control. She tells me that I'm the reason why we're here, because of what happened to mother... but I don't think that's such a bad thing now we get to eat caviar for breakfast.
Miss Elsa brought us here, I don't know why. I thought we were going to Hollywood with Stanley for our show 'The Tattler sisters' hour.'
Maybe they're putting it on hold until we get married?

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