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"You'll be next."


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It's Halloween and I can't believe I'm still stuck here.
I got a letter back from Bette the other day that made my heart hurt.

The words she wrote keep going around and around in my head.

We can't help you anymore.

I sit down to dinner. All I can think about is Bette's smile and it makes me hurt even more. It scares me that I feel this way. She obviously doesn't feel the same, but I have never felt like this about a woman before... that's just unheard of.

Dora is dressed as some wood pecker that I've never heard of, Gloria is dressed in all black, She says she is 'Doris Duke' and that Dora is 'Woody woodpecker.' I giggle slightly as Dora walks past me to hand me my food. She smiles at me, trying to hold in her own laughter. The only thing I live for nowadays is secretly helping her make dinner and laughing at how ridiculous Dandy is.

Gloria handed me a black dress to wear as well. I hate having to sit here and entertain this awful family. Dora and I (secretly of course) have been working on a costume for Dandy. Not that he deserves it. He comes down and I'm actually excited for him to see it. He throws it on the floor and starts having a tantrum. He starts throwing around the ornaments and glass bowls and smashes everything up.

"You ungrateful-" Dora starts, but I rush to her side to stop her.

"Dora, Dandy doesn't like his costume, make a new one!" Gloria says with tears in her eyes.

"That took her months! There's no way she can Make a new one!" I raise my voice. Angry at the behaviour of that disgusting boy. Dora puts her hand on my arm to stop me as well.

"I'll go into town and get you a new one! I think I can make it!" Gloria rushes out of the room, knocking things over as she goes, grabbing her bag and running to the car.

"Your mother might be afraid of you... but I'm not." Dora goes right up to Dandy.

"Dora..." I say, worried.

"Clean up this mess, maid." Dandy says angrily.

"I work for Miss Gloria." She says, heading back to the kitchen. Leaving me in the room. The broken glass is the least of my worries. I'm stuck here by myself with a psycho.

He doesn't say a word to me. Just glares and then storms off upstairs. I have no idea what he's doing.

I start to clean up the mess he has made and end up cutting my finger on the glass.
Dora comes out of the kitchen and starts to help me clean, she hands me a bandage to wrap around my finger.

We are just finishing up when we hear Dandy coming down the stairs. He is dressed in a weird clown suit with a children's mask on his face.

"You don't scare me. I've been looking after you since you were this high." She says, putting a hand to her knee. "Take that off before your mother comes back."

"Tell me the truth Dandy... I know you used to kill all these little birds and creatures. I cleaned 'em up... but did you have anything to do with that mess in town?"

She's talking about the missing people. I've read the papers.

He stands there, breathing heavy through his mask, a knife in his hand. I step back and grab Dora's hand but she shakes me off. He steps closer.

"Ohhh, you gon' kill me? Go on do it!"

"Dora..." I say, scared.

"Ha! I knew it! You couldn't of possibly killed those people. You don't have the guts!"

"Dora!" I say, raising my voice. I don't know what Dandy is capable of but I don't want to find out.

"Shut your pie hole Dora! Or I will kill you."

"Really? Then kill me... go on! I dare you!" She's shouting now and I start to cry. I am paralysed with fear.

He drops the knife and storms out. I think he leaves the house completely. I'm so frozen with fear that Dora has to shake me out of it.

"It's okay honey, he can't hurt me. Go to bed now, get some rest." She tells me and I nod. Though I don't think I'll get any sleep.

I wake up the next morning to shouting. It's Dora. Dandy must be back. I throw on a silk robe over my night dress and run downstairs to see what's happening.

"I'll take it myself, move!" I hear her shout, I see her try to shove past him but his knife goes to her neck instead.

She falls to the floor, blood pouring from her.

"Dora! No!" I shout running up to her and putting her head on my lap, crying hysterically.
"Dora please..." I say, my tears washing blood from her face. I take off my robe and try to stop the bleeding from her neck with it.

"You monster! Look what you've done!" I shout at Dandy. In his stupid mask and costume. "Oh Dora... it's okay, I'm here." I say stroking her face. She takes her last breath. I place her head carefully back onto the floor and stand up, facing Dandy.

"You disgusting monster!" I snarl. Wiping the tears from my eyes. He grabs me by the hair and yanks me to the floor. I scramble, trying to push him away and grab at him, screaming so loud I think the whole neighbourhood could hear. "Get off me you beast!" I scream as he pulls me onto my feet, still grabbing my hair, threatening me with the knife still in his hands. I try to kick and punch him but I can't reach round far enough to get him. He's holding my head so I can't spit at him either.

"You'll be next if you don't shut your disgusting mouth you insolent wench." He spits the words out like poison and he tightens his grip on my hair, making me squeal. Then throws me down onto Dora's body. I sob uncontrollably, unable to move. I'm aware I'm getting blood everywhere but I don't care. He puts one of his feet firmly on my back so I'm unable to move.

Then Gloria comes through the door. "Dandy stop! What are you doing?" He takes his foot off me and storms off. Leaving me a sniffling mess. I pick myself up.
"Oh Dora... you have been a great friend to me." I kiss my fingers and place them on her forehead. Then cover her head with my silk robe.

"Nancy, what happened?" Gloria asks, timidly.

"Your son is crazy! I'm not marrying him. I'm leaving." I say, running upstairs. I grab my suitcase and throw as much of my stuff in as I could in the short amount of time I had. I had to get out. I had to go somewhere. Gloria tried to stop me but I pushed past her, I ran down the stairs and left. In my bloodstained night-dress.

I scramble as fast as my legs will carry me. I know where I'm going... I just don't know if I'll be allowed to stay there.

All I can think is

I'm free.

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