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"You shouldn't have come here."


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Dandy has told us that he is the true hero behind the clown killings. He told us that Jimmy was passed out and that he was the one who freed those missing people. Dot doesn't believe him. He's angry because she won't tell him a secret, he started throwing things around.

I know her secret. She's only staying here because she wants the surgery. The worst thing is, when we read the newspaper this morning, it said that one of the Brody twins died after the surgery.

She really would kill me if it meant that she could live separately.


I regret letting Elsa bring us here. This man is making himself seem like some sort of hero, Jimmy wouldn't lie. Bette believes him. Stupid childish girl. They belong with each other, Dandy and Bette. Even more reason to get the surgery.
I can be with my Jimmy. Bette can be with Dandy... if she survives. I hate to think about one of us not making it, she thinks I'm being selfish but I'm not. I want to be happy, and free, for the first time in a long time.

I imagine myself walking down the street, a free woman. Just me. After the surgery. I imagine bumping into Jimmy.
"Hey Dot." He would say, smiling.
"It's Dorothy. I go by my full name now that half of me is missing." We would laugh,
"Hey... I'm sorry about what happened to Bette."
"At least one of us can be happy." And then I would lean in and kiss him. We would get married and have lots of children and grow old together. Oh, how amazing that sounds.

Dandy is throwing things around the room because I won't tell him a secret. I told him, my diary is my sanctuary. I'm not letting anybody read it. I hope that my Jimmy comes to get me soon. Although, I don't think he will. He probably thinks I'm happy here.

But I'm not.


We are in the tent, Elsa is shouting about people not trusting her.
"You really think I would betray those girls?" She is screaming. I do. I believe she would. She glares at me.
"And you." She comes right up to me and points in my face, "Nancy or whatever your name is, you haven't been here two seconds, you have nothing to offer us? Why are you here? So you can sleep with Jimmy? Trust me I have girls lined up around the block for him, you might just be the only one who can stand looking at his hands." She spits viciously.

"I don't want to sleep with Jimmy at all. That's not what I'm here for." I answer back snappily.
"I'm here for the twins."

"Ohhh the twins..." she says sarcastically, "well if you haven't noticed they aren't here right now."

The next few minutes all move so quickly. She's pinning Paul to her knife-spinning machine. She missed him on one... then another... the next one hits him, he's bleeding. She's crying.

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