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"She's Beautiful, isn't she Dandy?"

The car hummed across the road, crunching over stones and fallen twigs every once in a while

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The car hummed across the road, crunching over stones and fallen twigs every once in a while. She liked being in the car. Her beautiful brunette hair getting slightly messed up by the wind. Most women, would have shuddered at the thought of messing up their perfect updos, especially a woman of her class. Nancy, however didn't care in the slightest.

Pulling up to the ginormous Mott estate was surreal. Her father had told her about this place, but it looked much better than he had described before. Much bigger than her own family's estate. Nancy didn't care too much about money. She just wanted to be in love.

She is greeted at the car by Dora, the maid, who gets her bags out of the trunk, Nancy waves goodbye to her driver, someone she has known since she was little. She is sad to be leaving her life behind, but her father and mother assured her that moving to Florida to start her own family was the best thing she could do.

Even though she was always told to ignore the 'help' Nancy smiled at Dora and introduced herself.
"My name is Nancy Albright."
"Dora. It's a... pleasure to meet you Miss. Albright." Dora seemed shifty. Mysterious. Anxious, even.
"Let me help you with my bags?" Nancy said, grabbing the last bag. Dora's hand shot out and she shook her head.
"No,no ma'am. I've got that."

Dora leads her into the glorious white marbled house. She is greeted at the door by a jolly, sophisticated looking woman. Looking at this lady made Nancy self-conscious. This woman had a fancy baby blue dress on, whereas Nancy only wore a pale pink skirt and a blouse. Of course it was her choice to dress this way, her mother always frowned on her for not wanting to wear dresses. If she could, she would wear shorts like the boys did, but of course she knows she would be shunned for this, so she stuck to mostly skirts.

"Hello dear," the woman smiled at her warmly, but her eyes had the same fear that Dora's did. "You must be Nancy, our Dandy is just going to be delighted to meet you."

"Hello Mrs. Mott." She smiled back, Bowing down into a delicate curtsy as she had been taught to do by her mother.

"Dora, please show Nancy to her bedroom." Dora nods and leads her to a beautiful white bedroom.

A huge four poster double bed lay in the middle of the room. The corner held a beautiful vanity table with perfumes, and a closet stood in the opposite corner, she looked inside and saw a beautiful white wedding dress.
She gasped at the beauty but she didn't know if she deserved such a gown. Dora left her to it, leaving her bags next to the door.
Nancy sat down on the bed feeling the soft velvety sheets.
She looks into the mirror, her ocean blue eyes gleaming. Not with happiness though, she's had a very uneasy feeling since arriving.


I get called down to dinner by Dora. I will finally be meeting my future husband. I quickly swipe some red lipstick onto my plump lips and I decide today is one of the very few times that I should wear a dress. I pick a beautiful silk white one. So he can see if I look good in white before the wedding. I look into my vanity mirror, give my best smile, bat my eyelashes and swirl around so my dress flows around me.
I finish my look off with some white heeled pumps and a white silk hair bow.

I glide down the stairs elegantly and find my way to the dining room. It is a grand room. The table is so large. Gloria is sat at one end of the table, facing me. I'm stood right behind Dandy. Who is sat at the other end of the table. He hasn't even turned around. Gloria smiles at me.

"She's beautiful, isn't she Dandy?" He doesn't move. Doesn't turn around. I give a slight smile at Gloria and sit on one of the other chairs.

I take a look at Dandy's face and there is no denying that he is handsome. Probably the most handsome man I've ever seen. Something seems off about him though. I put my hand out to him and he takes it in his, kissing my knuckles.
His eyes are empty. They have no life in them.
"To the future Mrs. Mott." Gloria holds up her glass. I bat my eyelashes at Dandy, he hasn't said a word to me. I lift my glass up as well, Dandy doesn't budge.

"Mother? Give me some time alone to get to know my future bride" he says firmly.

Gloria gets up immediately, but stops at the doorway, "Dandy, remember we are going to the freak show later tonight."

"The freakshow?" I ask, gulping down my drink.

"Oh yes! To celebrate dear!" Gloria says. With that she has gone and I'm left alone in a room with my future husband.

"So... Nancy is it?" He says, getting up from his chair and standing behind mine.

"That's right." I say nervously. Adjusting my hair bow.

"Do you like music, Nancy?" He says going to the music box in the corner of the room, putting on a record.

"Yes. Who doesn't?" I laugh, standing up and making my way to Dandy.

"Care to dance?" He says, holding his hand out. I take his hands and he places his arms on my waist. My hands fall onto his shoulders and we sway together for a few moments. As I'm looking to my eyes I can't help but feel the same fear I see in Dora and Gloria's eyes.

After a while, we get called by Gloria to go to the freakshow. If my mother or father knew that this is where I'd be going in my spare time with my future husband they would be mortified. I've never seen a freak before, but I've heard people talk about them.

We are the only ones that arrive in the tent. We sit right at the front. I keep thinking more people will arrive, but they never do. The lights go down. The show starts. I see a man with crab hands, a man they call 'Seal Boy' a freakishly tall woman named 'Amazon Eve' and a tiny woman named 'Ma petite'.

Then I see them. I gasp at the same time as Dandy. I watch them in awe. Not able to speak afterwards.

Gloria tried to buy them from the freakshow.

"They're not for sale." Dandy throws quite the tantrum. He's beginning to act like a little boy.

"Could we just leave?" I ask. Quite frightened by my own feelings. Have I turned into a weird freak-loving beast?

No. Of course not. Just because you find those Siamese girls so breathtakingly beautiful does not mean anything. Plenty of women are beautiful. Lucille Ball, Judy Garland and Katharine Hepburn to name a few.

But those women don't have two heads.

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