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"I couldn't live without you."


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I told Bette that it would be better to wait a while before going to find Nancy. Just to let her cool off. Plus, I need to talk about Bette about the surgery. We spend a few hours talking about it. Which turns into a therapy session for the both of us.

I never realised before how much we both actually needed to let out.

"I don't think you could live without me." Bette tells me, sobbing. I'm clutching her hand. "I couldn't live without you." This breaks my heart, just seeing her in this broken state. "I have nothing much left for me now, I will give my life to you sister. So you can be happy."

I don't want the surgery. I thought I did. I wanted to be free. But would I really be free if I didn't have my sister? I know that if I was the one that died then she would be lost without me... maybe I didn't want to admit it before, but I would be lost without her if she died as well. We sit for a few minutes. Just enjoying each other's company. Neither of us saying, or thinking, anything. She squeezes my hand.

"I need to go and find Nancy." She says, and I nod.

"Can we do something else first?"


We make our way over to Jinny's trailer. To confess Dot's feelings. When we get there he looks a little sad, and I know Dot is nervous.

"Who can boast of having a blonde and a brunette for a wife?" I say, and Dot smiles. We take down our dress.

"Listen." He starts, "I'm sorry..." I feel Dot's face fall. "I'm in love with someone else."

"Oh..." Dot says. I stop her.

"Let's just go." I say, pulling our dress back up and leaving. I need to find Nancy now. She's had a few hours for stuff to cool down, not that I expect her to forgive me straight away.

We look around the tents. In all the trailers, everywhere. We can't find her. I half expected this. She probably went to town or something to distract herself. We run into Desiree.

"Hey, have you seen Nancy?"

"Ohhh that sweet girl! Yes she left with her fiancé just a few hours ago."

"What? Her fiancé?" Dot seems worried. My heart is pounding faster than it ever has before.

Please don't be with Dandy. Please don't be with Dandy.


I'm back with Dandy, in his stupid house with his stupid mother and his stupid puppet shows. It's better than being with Bette.

That's a lie. But she obviously doesn't want me around, so I left.

The wedding is today. Gloria pushed it forward because she says "I have finally come to my senses."

Dandy doesn't look too happy about it either. But it's happening. In a few hours. The new maid is brushing my hair out as I'm sat in the dress that hung in my wardrobe.

This is it.


We got in a cab. We know exactly where she is. As much as we don't want to admit it. We just want to get there before it's too late. We pull up to Dandy's house and bang on the front door as loud as we can. A maid comes to the door and looks shocked at us, but Gloria pushes past her.

"Hello girls. Are you here for the wedding?"

The wedding. There's no way....

We go to Dandy's room. Him and Nancy are stood at the front of the room with a vicar. They're really getting married.

The cannot be real.


This can't be real. How could she do this to herself?
Why would Nancy ever want to go back to Dandy, after what he did to her! Even after what Bette said.... it must have really hurt her feelings. I feel Bette's face crumple and the tears flow down her face. I have to do something. I have to stop this. I see Nancy glance over at us, then do a double take when she realises it's us. I stand there, not knowing what to do.

Come on, Bette.


She looks so beautiful standing there. The white gown she is wearing that falls to the floor and hugs her in all the right places. I can do nothing but cry. I don't want to talk, I don't want to think. She won't be happy here. I know she won't. She told me what he was like and I didn't listen. This is my fault. She locks eyes with me, she is smiling, but I can see in her eyes she is pleading for help. Maybe she's angry to see me, which I get. Dandy looks angry. He smiles when he sees us. God he's a sicko. I suddenly feel a rush of anger.

"Stop! Please stop!" We rush forward. Stepping in front of Nancy. I slip her the note that I wrote to her. She looks angry and confused, but puts the note away.

"What's the matter?" Gloria asks.

"We're here to stop the wedding." I gulp. Dot grasps my hand and squeezes it.

"Why? Have you realised you want me afterall?" The thought of it makes me feel sick, but I smile and flutter my eyelashes.

"Oh of course Dandy... We were stupid, we want to marry you!" It's the only thing I could think of quick enough. I didn't want to say it, but I had to stop Dandy marrying the love of my life....

Lord, please help me!


I can't believe it! The twins stormed in here, not only after making me feel like utter shit, but now they are stealing my husband. Of course Dandy chooses the freaks over me... they probably suit him better.

Don't say that, Nance. They're not bad... Dot isn't anyway. I'm never speaking to Bette again. She handed me a note, probably some shitty apology. I hide it in my fists and run away. I run to the bedroom. I take my dress off and sit there in nothing but my undergarments. I burst into a fit of tears that won't stop. I shove my clothes back into my suitcase. This seems like a recurring thing. Then I read the note.

It takes my breath away. I don't want to forgive her, I really don't.
But... what she said...
This is wrong. I can't love her, and she can't love me... it's just unheard of. Even if I did love her back, even if I did feel that way for a while... I've come to my senses. A girl like me just simple can't love a freak like her.

I'm leaving for good, I never want to see the girls again.

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