❁ Guess I'll die ❁

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aight time to get ya ass kicked in ya next round (you replace Kirishima btw)

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I rushed through the crowd to get to Recovery Girl's office. Midoriya straight up hit the floor like a log! I'd say I hope he's okay, but that's stupid, he was pretty injured. It's like walking up to a crying person and asking if they're okay. 

I sprinted round a corner and completely ran into another person who was just walking around. Caught off guard, I fell to the floor, landing ungracefully on my ass. Ouch. "Oh yikes, I'm sorry, I didn't-- Todoroki?" Ooh didn't see that coming. He offered me a hand up, and I took it, still apologising. It was then that I noticed like half of his shirt was still burnt off. I mean, I appreciate the view but- "Congrats on that match by the way, I uh.. I'll stop taking up your time." 

I knew that he had expressed not wanting to be friends or anything, so I figured I'd leave, but he stopped me. "Wait, I wanted to say sorry. I snapped at you earlier, when I didn't mean too. And... do you think we could reconsider about being friends?" Well this was a new side of him that I hadn't seen before. 'Cute.' "Sure thing king. And I mean it, you were awesome in that match. I gotta go find Izuku though, see ya Shoto." 

I threw up some finger guns at the half shirtless boy and yoted away. Unbeknownst to me, a certain icy hot boy had a small smile on his face as he began walking away. I continued running till I got to the nurse's office, where I would make an important discovery.

Knock knock!

There was a large scuffle as I knocked on the door, and I almost turned and walked off out of nerves. 'Did I come at a bad time?' The door opened a little, and I recognised the famous healing hero. "Yes dearie? Can I help you?" She gave me a wrinkly smile. "Uh, yeah my friend Izuku was knocked out and I came to see-- who's that?" I asked, completely distracted. It was a skinny blond man, and he was standing next to a bed. I couldn't see much with the door not being fully open, but I couldn't help but ask. 

The pro hero sighed and turned to the man. "I don't suppose it will hurt, she's the boys friend after all. Come in dear, there's a little explaining to do." She opened the door and beckoned me inside, where I took a seat besides Midoriya's bed. "Well, it starts..."

"...and that's why this must remain a secret. I trust you, young lady." The old hero patted me on the shoulder. I was completely braindead. What. All Might is Midoriya's mentor, who used to be quirkless, but met All Might and obtained his quirk, and that quirk is called 'one for all'. Huh. "I understand. Of course, I won't tell anyone. You can count on me, All Might. But why does Midoriya hurt himself when he uses one for all?" 

"His body isn't yet capable of handling it, whereas All Might here--" "Can handle it 'ALL MIGHT'!" The pro suddenly burst out, changing into his muscular form. I giggled, who knew pro heroes were as dumb as me? "I see. So Izuku just needs surgery and will be okay?" The old lady nodded. "That's good, I suppose I should go watch the rest of the matches." 

"That's right young L/n, don't worry about Midoriya. He'll be fine, go enjoy the rest of the matches." All Might gave his signature smile with a thumbs up and I excused myself. That was a lot of information to take in, but for now I'll focus on the festival. 'I wonder who I'm up against next...?'

❁ Timeskip ❁

I am so dead. It's my match next, and I found out after visiting Izuku that I'm against Bakugo. Oh lord pray for me. I couldn't beat him properly when we practiced the other day, but now we have our quirks, so maybe..? If I encase him in water, the explosions won't be as powerful, I know that, but how will I do that? I didn't really drink that much water, but there'll be a lot left over from the ice earlier on, so how do I-- "Y/n, it looks like you're going next!" 

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