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He sat there at the table with an even glare as everyone began to arrive

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He sat there at the table with an even glare as everyone began to arrive.

If it were his choice, he wouldn't be here, let alone be holding such an idiotic meeting. But, it wasn't his choice, so being apart of the Order, there were no exceptions.

Molly was over at the stove boiling water for tea as Arthur paced around the room, constantly checking his watch. One by one, redheads filed into the room, as well as the infamous Potter Boy, the annoying Chit Granger, the Lupin's, and to his greatest disgust, Sirius Black himself.

Watching them all take their places at the long table, no one acknowledged him, which he didn't mind. Just being here was a nightmare, surrounded by old enemies and pesky students he had to spend his glorious years watching over, as well as trying to put some brains in their heads. But of course that was unlikely to happen.

He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back in his chair. Just waiting made the air in the room heavier and danker than it needed to be, and it didn't help that two dogs, mutts, were present. Sitting at ease, slight bits of chatter began. Obviously the meeting wasn't going to commence until it was exactly Seven O'clock, and it was Six Forty-Five, so now he had time to waste. Picking up on certain pieces of conversation was a specialty of his, although he found it annoying, it deemed useful at times.

"Remus and I plan to move to Hogsmead. It's closer to the school and, you know, the Shrieking Shack." Nymphadora said with a smile. Remus kissed her temple.

"Well, you guys are more than welcome to stay here until then. I do have more than enough rooms here. Most of them aren't even being used." Sirius said. Remus laughed.

"I don't think so. That's one too many dogs under one roof!" He said. Nymphadora slapped him in the arm and glared.

Well, these were news to him. Not only will the Wolf be returning to work at Hogwarts, but he will also be living in the vicinity, how nice. He sneered and focused in on another conversation.

"Mum, I'm a little afraid. My, you know, cycle hasn't happened in a month and a half!" Ginny whispered frantically to her mother as she began preparing tea. She dropped a cup on the counter as Ginny told her this. She froze solid. "Mum?" Ginny placed a hand on her shoulder. Molly unfroze and picked up the tea cup with shaking hands.

"I... we... you... " She stumbled on her words. She took a deep breath and turned to face her. "We'll, we'll talk about this later, young lady." She said, trying to put on that mother role, although she failed miserably doing so.

Severus rolled his eyes, quite the conversation he wanted to hear. It seemed that the Potter Boy knocked up young Ginerva Weasley. He wondered what it would be like when Arthur found out. He smirked at the thought of him hexing Harry to his grave. Speaking of Harry, he turned his head to look at him. Of course, he was none other than conversing with the dim wit of a young Weasley and the insufferable know it all.

They seemed to be having some sort of an argument.

"No Ronald!" She said with a glare. A blush worked its way to her cheeks as she looked at him. Ron grabbed her hand and pulled her.

"Mione, were together, so at least act like it." He pulled her down until she was seated on his lap. She squirmed to get off of him, but he kept her in place.

"Ron, just let her go." Harry said, trying to make light of the whole ordeal. Ron shook his head.

"Dont mind her mate, she's just being cranky." His ears turned a bright red with amusement. She huffed as she sat there on his lap, her arms crossed over her chest in a dignified way.

Ron pulled her so she was flush against his chest. "Mione?" He asked. She looked at him and glared, but a small smile crept to her lips.

"Yes Ronald?" She said with a sigh. He pursed his lips.

"Kiss me?" He asked her. It seemed to be more of a beg. She shook her head.

"Absolutely not!" He laughed. Turning his head, she stared at him as if he were crazy. Then he hurriedly turned her way, pulled her into a kiss and released her. She hit him in the arm. "Ronald Weasley! You absolute git!" He roared with laughter.

To Severus, it seemed that Granger had gotten herself into a situation she wished not to be in, or maybe it was just him. Looking at her now saddened him. She was such a bright student, which he hated to admit, although he would never fully and openly admit that to her. But, she obviously wasn't so bright to live her life with a Weasley.

Scanning her appearance now and comparing it to how he remembered her Six years ago, she had changed a lot.

Her hair was now tamed, she dressed with simplicity, although it seemed to state it's purpose, and her features have definitely grown, or should he say grown in. Just as he began to scold himself for thinking like such, Arthur cleared his throat.

"Erm, I just want to thank you all, for those of you who came, we greatly appreciate it. We would have had more, but some things came up." Molly began to pass around the tea as a hushed murmur sounded around the room. He held up his hand to silence them.

"So, to get started, you all know why your here I presume?" He looked around expectantly at everyone, but they all shook their heads.

"I'm sorry, Arthur, but we don't really know why were gathered here today." Nymphadora said. Everyone agreed with her.

He didn't know why they were there today, but it seemed that Arthur was going to explain.

"Well, I apologize. I sent out an owl with multiple letters for everyone a few days ago, and I suppose they were never recei-" All of a sudden a barn owl came crashing in through the window and skittering across the table. It stopped right in front of the twin Weasley boys.

"Oh, well then..." Arthur said, blushing. He walked over to the bird and untied the set of unsent letters on the birds leg.

"Stupid bird." Ron mumbled. Hermione snapped her head at him and huffed really loudly. Arthur held up the letters and chuckled.

"Well, there here." He said. "If you want to look at them, by all means, but I'll just explain everything anyway." He took a seat as the bird flew off and ran smack into a window.

"Oh for crying out loud! Someone, please get that bird out of here!?" Molly whined. Hermione sighed and stood up. Ron looked after her then turned to Harry and wriggled his eyebrows. She bent over and picked him up, silently cooing to the delirious bird. With gentle hands, she tried to pry the window open.

It was stuck as she wriggled it up, trying to get it to move, but it would not budge. Just as she was about to give up and use the front door, gentle hands moved around her and pushed the window open with ease. She turned and looked into the darkest eyes she had ever seen. Her heart skipped in her chest as she felt drunk just staring into pure depths of remote darkness. She couldn't move. He took her hands in his and took the bird from her hands and let it fly out the now open window.

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