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His eyes went from the tip of the wand to the fiery ginger grasping it tightly in his hand

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His eyes went from the tip of the wand to the fiery ginger grasping it tightly in his hand. Knowing there wasn't anything he could do, Severus just smirked at him.

"Well, well, well. Weasley, breaking and entering are we?" Ron said nothing. He just clenched his jaw tightly and glared daggers into the towel wrapped man he called Professor. Severus sighed and tried to move past him, only for Ron to step forward quickly with the wand, concerning Severus with just what he might try to do. "Not wise, I wouldn't if I were you." He warned, his eyes glancing from the wand to him.

"Just shut up, shut up!" He raged at him. "I've had to listen to your bloody pot piss for so long, now its my turn!" Suddenly the squeak of the handle of the shower sounded from in the bathroom, announcing the water had been turned off.  Ron's eyes trailed behind him at the partially cracked door that was wafting heated smoke from its small opening. Severus fought the urge to laugh as he realized why he may have been mad.

"I take it you were listening in on some personal matters that were in need of attending to." Ron wiped at his face that seemed to well with tears.

"Who is it?" He demanded. Severus rolled his eyes.

"Your mother." The wand jabbed into his chest, causing him to step back a bit. "I'm sure you know who." He barked, glaring at him. Ron shook his head.

"Your lying, who is it?" He asked again, this time moving his wand to be pointed into Severus' neck.

"Severus, who are you tal-" the door opened to reveal Hermione wrapped in a towel; heat emanating from around her; her skin glistening wet in the little light provided. Her eyes went from Severus to the wand then to Ron. They widened in horror as the heated red from her skin turned to a ghostly white. "R-ron?" She asked, her hands going to Severus' shoulder and the other holding her towel in place.

"Oh don't you Ron me!" He raged, his eyes showing of pain and hatred. She flinched at his tone, but looked him straight in the eye.

"Everything is at it seems here, Ronald." She said confidently. She wasn't sure why she suddenly felt the need to explain, but anything to stall time and hopefully get the wand off of Severus' throat, she would do.

"Bloody hell im not that dumb, 'Mione, but honestly, him?" He questioned, his voice hysterically high. "I mean if it were Harry or even Draco, sure, but this greasy low life bat of the dungeons?!" He seethed, tears falling from his eyes. At this comment, she felt Severus flinch beneath her arm. Slowly, she stepped forward so that the wand was now trained on her and not Severus. He now stood behind her.


"No! This isn't you, what did he do to persuade you? I know he had to of done something! A potion?! Poison?! A potion?!" He accused, stammering as he spoke. Severus scoffed.

"I'll have you know I had no intentions on shagging Miss Granger here." He answered modestly. Almost too modestly for Ron.

Unexpectedly, Ron threw himself at Severus, missing him instantly as Severus quickly lunged towards the night stand for his wand. Hermione shrieked as she was shoved out of the way when the first blast from the tip of Ron's wand missed Severus by mere inches and shattered the night lamp.

Hermione crawled towards the bed, ducking beside it as Severus took shelter beside her. Ron was on the other side of them, throwing everything he had - which wasn't much - over his shoulder.

Heaving slightly, Hermione grabs Severus' hand and looks at him. "I'm so sorry." He shakes his head and gives her hand a squeeze. Leaning forward he kissed her forehead before peering over the bed to see if there were any blind spots that he could hit the Weasley boy without injuring him.

What also amazed her is even though they both threw themselves out of the way of Rons hazardous wand use, they're towels still cling to they're bodies. Ensuring it stayed that way, she quickly mumbled a sticking charm just to be safe.

Ron threw a spell at them, shattering the mirror behind them, causing Hermione to yelp as the sound of shattering glass could be heard. That's when all of a sudden the handle of the door and the loud creak of it being thrown open stopped them momentarily.

"What the bloody hell is going on in here?!"

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