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She gaped at the way his touch felt

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She gaped at the way his touch felt. His hands were warm and soft, especially for hands that were always being worked like tools. He looked at her then stiffly turned and sat back down. The room was quiet as the scene before then rolled out.

She looked from her hands to the now open window. Slowly moving away from the window, she made her way back to her seat. She didn't even feel Ron pull her down across his lap. She just stared at her hands as they trembled. Her heart fluttered as a shiver made its way up her spine to the back of her neck.

While noticing all of this, she didn't know Arthur had been speaking.

"Azkaban is still depending on the Ministry to capture Rabastan Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, Dolohov, and Greyback, as well as some minor deatheaters." 

"Yes, but the Ministry is depending on us, so basically we are being played as a double standard." Harry argued back.

"Now, now, Harry." Remus began. "We are possibly the only ones who can catch them." Nymphadora laughed.

"As dumb as these deatheater's are, anyone could capture them." There was a nod and murmurs of agreements mumbled around the room.

"Yes, but how do we know where to find them?" Hermione asked. She jumped into the conversation, seeing it was important. Ron laughed.

"Well, that's easy Mione, why don't we ask the greas- I mean "Ex" deatheater himself, Snape." She turned her head to look at him as he glared at Ron.

"Ronald, we already discussed thi-" Molly began.

"I mean, how do we even know he isn't helping them hide!?"

"Ron...." Harry began. Ron leaned forward and slammed his fist on the table.

"How do we know He," he said, pointing a finger at Severus, "is on our side!?" Severus smirked.

"I know where my loyalties lie, Mr. Weasley, but I am sure you need to check where yours lye, for you don't seem committed to the tasks." Ron turned bright red and stood up, making Hermione fall off his lap. He reached across the table, but Sirius and Remus held him back.

There were sudden outbursts of shock and fear as the room grew quiet. Nothing but heavy breathing and ruffling of clothes were heard.

Harry helped Hermione to her feet. She had her hands covered over her mouth as her eyes shimmered with tears. Ron seethed with anger as he bore daggers into the man that sat at ease in the kitchen.

"Let go of me!" He said, moving his shoulders abruptly to get Sirius and Remus off of him. He roared anger while kicking his chair. He turned to Severus and snarled. "I don't care what anyone says about you, your a two sided player who knows how to play well!" Turning around sharply, he kicked open the kitchen door and stormed down the hall. His siblings and parents stood there baffled.

"Well, I think this calls for our departure, Georgie." Fred said. Going arm in arm, they apparated out of the room with a loud pop. Arthur cleared his throat.

"Umm, well, I guess we'll call it a day and continue this meeting another time." He gathered up the remaining letters and walked out of the kitchen with Molly hot on his heels fighting the urge to cry.

Remus and Nymphadora nodded their heads at everyone. "Goodnight." They said, walking out into the hall to make their way to their room Sirius had let them stay in. Sirius went to the cupboard and grabbed a glass cup and poured some firewhiskey, downing it as soon as it hit the glass.

Severus watched Harry and Ginny walk away, hand in hand as they had a rushed but serious conversation. Rising from his chair, he departed from the kitchen.

Sirius was courteous to let him stay in a room, but of course he had the room for him on the top floor. He said that he didn't want anyone to wake up because of his horrid snoring. Severus then was ready to hex black into his painting with his mother, only to be told it was a joke. Over the course of months, his and Sirius' grudge had died down.

Walking up the many flights of stairs to his room, he finally made to his floor. There were so many winding stairs and halls, it was easy to get lost, but luckily he never needed to worry about that, for he memorized everything pretty easily.

Turning the corner to get to his room, he stopped short.

"What are you doing up here?" He questioned sternly to the girl that was sitting on the floor in front of his bedroom door. She stood up abruptly.

"Sorry sir, I-I didn't mean to bother you, it's just-" he rolled his eyes.

"Stop jabbering and speak up, girl. I've had enough choice words for today." He glared at her as she took a deep breath.

"I...." she sighed, then let out a small laugh. It reminded him of snow; it was light, fluffy, and cold at the same time. "This is stupid...... I came to apologize for what happened downstairs." She said. She bit her lip.

"Granger," he said, sneering at her.

"Yes?" Her voice sounded hopeful.

"Move out of the way." He said. He went to walk to his door, but she stood in front of the frame. "I said move." He said again. She shook her head.



"I will not."

"Move. Out. Of. The. Way. Now. Or you will wish you never stood in my way." He moved closer to her as he growled at her. His nose could almost touch hers. He could feel her breath on his neck, as she could feel his on her forehead.

"Make me." She whispered.

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