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I Bodies

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I Bodies.

Nothing but their bodies entwined in each other, nipping, caressing, tasting. It was as if they we're made for each other. The way they felt they needed each other, was a desperation unknown. And merlin knows how much they longed one another.

His mouth, suckling gently on her neck as her hands roamed up his back to his broad shoulders. The hot water only enticing their want. A hunger, once more growing, as if it hadn't been fed only moments before.

"Severus. . ." she moaned out, feeling his growing appendage against her. She felt as if she needed him, not just for now, but for always. She has always felt as if she wanted what was off limits and she knew he was all caught in it. Was it manipulation? No. They both were acting and consensual partners in this and she knew it would always be that way. There was no going back on what has already occurred today.

He loved her with every fiber in his body. Had he known in due time he would get an opportunity like this, he would have scoffed. But now, she was his and he was hers and there was nothing he could want to come in between them now. Especially Weasley.

It was true, he had been all jealous when he saw him with her, but even though he looked happy, she never did. He felt as if there were going to be changes coming. And she happened to be speaking his language. He liked a dangerous woman and right now he could tell she liked to play on the wild side.

Who was she to believe he wouldn't have hexed her for not allowing him into his rooms? She look a leap of faith, hoping he would give in and it actually worked.

As much as he wanted to deny that he didn't want her, there was no way they could ever come back from what has been done. Some would call it unforgivable, but them? No, this would be unforgettable. And experience well lusted for.

Letting his hands roam over her breasts, pinching her already peaked nipples, he kissed her desperately. Their tongues intertwining into a messy kiss, as if they couldn't get enough of each other. Her nails dug deeper into his back, making him hiss slightly at the contact. She sure was venomous.

He was actually reluctant for that meeting today. If it never happened, he would not be here, having his deepest desires fulfilled. The water, sliding off of their skin, making the glass of the shower, fog up.

This could have been the sexiest thing either has encountered.

Lifting her up until her feet no longer touched the floor, she giggles against his mouth. Biting his bottom lip as she wrapped her legs around him, she smiled.

"I love you." She said in almost a whisper. He gave her a small smile.

"I love you too." Hermione pushed his hair back, away from his face and rested her forehead against his.

"Shall we carry this on elsewhere?" He smirked at her.

"Anywhere, love." Allowing her down, he opened the shower door and wrapped a towel around him.

"I'll be out in a minute." She said as the shower door closed gently. Severus placed his hand on the mirror on front of the sink and wiped away the condensation that built up.

Staring at himself in the mirror, he smirked. 'Your one lucky bastard.' He said to himself. Running his hand through his damp tresses of raven black hair, he looked back at the shower and then himself. It still puzzles him why she chose him over the two dunderheads she was always around.

"Wouldn't your friends worry where you are?" He asked her casually.

"Hmm?" Her voice rang heavenly over the pittering of water.

"Your friends. Wouldn't they wonder where you are?" She poked her head out of the shower. Rolling her eyes she laughed lightly.

"Hardly. And after how Ron acted earlier, he knows he's on my shit list. Not that he hasn't been." He nodded his head slowly.

"Sorry, I was just-"

"There's no need to worry Sev. I love you and no one else, and nothing can change that. They can't control me, I can do as I please." She said as she continued on in the shower.

Hearing this made him feel much better. Seeing to himself being well cleaned, he decided to wait back in the room.

Just as he opened the door, he knew something was off. His eyes flickered to the wide open bedroom door and to the wand pointed at him from across the room.


As he listened harder, he began to think of himself as pathetic. I mean, what could he gain from hearing his horrid old Professor shagging some witch who probably was just helpless to be screwed.

Backing away from the door, he was about to turn and leave when he heard Professor Snape's voice crisp and clear from behind the door.

He instantly freaked, as he shouldn't even be here in his rooms, but something willed him to stay. Standing perfectly still, he listened.

"Wouldn't your friends worry where you are?" This striked Ron as odd. Since when did Snape care about the well-being of others? The other voice was only muffled and he couldn't hear it clearly. "Your friends. Wouldn't they wonder where you are?" This made Ron want to know who exactly was in there with him. I mean, it wasn't everyday that you got to see a person you hated so much act alarmingly different in the presence of someone else. Let alone a female. Then the other voice spoke.

"Hardly. And after how Ron acted earlier, he knows he's on my shit list. Not that he hasn't been." He froze. After hearing his name, he stopped completely. Was it? It couldn't be... Surely there had to be some kind of mistake.

That voice could not have belonged to the girl he had loved since their first year at Hogwarts. That couldn't have been the voice of the girl he desired so much. It just couldn't be.

He had hoped he was hearing things wrong. He just couldn't allow himself to believe it was her.

She was probably up in their bedroom they shared, reading a book. Writing something useful down. Plotting something genius to help catch deatheaters on the run.

But even after all this denial, deep down inside, he knew that that was his Hermione.

His blood was boiling! It took a lot of nerve to not bust down that door at the moment. His knuckles turning completely white from clenching his wand in his hand, he grit his teeth in anger.

Stepping away slowly from the door, his breathing began coming hard and fast. His hands, pulling his hair, he feel to his knees and let the tears fall. That was not his Hermione.

He had to know. He just had to.

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