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Landing harshly in an unknown place to Hermione, she stumbled forward a bit only for Severus to catch her in his arms

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Landing harshly in an unknown place to Hermione, she stumbled forward a bit only for Severus to catch her in his arms. Smiling up at him, she mumbled a small thank you and stood up. Wrapping her arms around herself, she looked around them.

They had landed in a dark, very dusty, place.

"Where are we?" She asked. Severus ran his hand through his now dry hair.

"Welcome to the Snape house." He answered, with a pang of sadness in his voice. Hermione turned to him, her eyes wide.

"Oh merlin, Severus-" She started, but she didn't know what to say. Wrapping her arms around him, she laid her head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. They stayed like that for some time before she reached up and kissed him softly on the lips. "I dare say we could make it work here." She said, a curious look in her eyes that made Severus smirk.

"I think we could. . ." Pulling away from him, she held her wand he handed to her in her hand.

"Could use a bit of fixing up, and cleaning." Sh started, looking around for a light, having to settle with the tip of her wand instead. "But what shall we do about clothing?" She asked herself, a bit too loudly. She really wasn't asking anyone in general, but Severus happened to overhear.

"I could go without clothes. . ." He drawled slowly in a sexy tone. Hermione giggled as he wrapped his arms around her waist and began placing kisses on her neck.

"Oh hush now, we can't do anything, this place is practically making my skin crawl!" She said, twisting and turning from his touch.

"Other things are stirring and crawling in me too." He answered, chuckling that heavenly chuckle of his.

"Stop!" She said, playfully smacking him in the arm.

"I'll have you know, the bedroom's upstairs are quite clean." He said, winking. Leaning forward, he captured her lips with his, taking her in his arms. She in return, gave herself into him. She worked this hard for him now to be completely his. Her hands resting on his hips, slowly pulled his towel away to leave him stark and bare. He pulled back, a wicked desire profound in his eyes. "Shall we make sure the upstairs will accommodate us first before we settle down here?" She bit her lip and breathed almost breathlessly.

"Yes." Crashing her lips to his, he too removed her towel. The cold air nipped at they're skin, causing them to shiver. But they knew there were many ways to keep warm. Picking her up as her lags wrapped around her waist, he carried her upstairs and into the bedroom. And that was where they let nature take its course once more.

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