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Molly held her head in her hands, she just didn't understand her children at times

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Molly held her head in her hands, she just didn't understand her children at times. Sitting on the edge of her bed in her's and Arthur's current bedroom they resided in, she let out a deep sigh.

"Cheer up love, he'll get it together." Arthur said, trying to make light of the situation. She just shook her head.

"You know as well as I that out of the whole Weasley lot, he's the hard headed one." She quipped, running her hands over her face. She was getting too old for this, just her face said it all. Heavy bags under her eyes, creases to make a book, and not to mention the single - extremely thick - silver hair she plucked from her exuberant red head just yesterday.

Arthur came and sat next to her.

"Well, would you rather be complaining about Fred and George then?" She scoffed at this.

"Oh don't even get me started with those two, and did you know OUR daughter is possibly pregnant?"

"Really?" He asked, sounding a bit too enthusiastic for Molly's taste. "That'a girl! Say, she's going to pregnant just right around the time you were when we first met!" Molly groaned and stood up from her spot.

"Arthur, I don't want her following in our footsteps! She has a chance at a future, I never did. I don't want some pregnancy holding her back!" She fussed, throwing her hands above her head. Arthur shut his gob and swallowed hard.

"Well she's our daughter and we can do nothing but love her and the choices she makes-"

"Oh I never love the choices any of our children make. Sure, go tame dragons or run a joke shop. Loaf off of your parents for the rest of your life or become a bank manager at gringotts! At flipping gringotts!" She hollered out loud to no one in particular.

She loved her children, she really did, but it was high time they started using the brains she provided them with.

"I'm just. . . so. . . tired." She finally said, her shoulders slumping as a small sob escaped past her lips. She just didn't know anymore, and she felt really bad for Severus and the way all of her children - possibly excluding Percy, for she doesn't recall him ever being a problem for anyone - have treated him. She personally knew deep down he was a good man.

Arthur held her in his arms and soothed her as she weeped.

"Shh, there there, everythings going to be alright." She wiped at her tears and looked at him.

"How can you say that? You don't know that."

"Have a little faith, Molly." He said with a small smile. She hung her head, maybe he was right. He was in this just as much as she was and he wasn't freaking out. . .

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