Manticore's After-effects

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Hii!! I am back again! Yay! Let's get on with this...

Nico POV
I was so annoyed already at Will. Each time we got attacked by monsters, Will tried to convince me to leave Maria behind and run while we can. But I didn't care. I would not leave Maria. I promised to protect her, and I will. Then the manticore came. It got her injured, but I couldn't even do anything. I was pinned to the wall with the manticore's spikes. Oh, and some very beautiful ladies right in front of us. I wasn't very happy, and Will was staring at them. All we could do was watch. Then the spikes released us. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Marie collapse. We were easily able to defeat the empousa, as the beautiful ladies turned out to be, and I raced over to Marie. "Maria! Come on, Will! Help me here! You're the medic!" "Nico, let's just go. There's nothing we can do for Maria. Just let her go! We have to go, before more monsters come! Besides, they're targeting mostly her. I don't know why, but the monsters are after her. If we escape now, most probably the monsters will stop chasing us. Please, Nico!" "No! I'm not leaving her! I promised. I have to help her, please, Will." I wasn't about to lose another person I love. Wait, did I just think that?!! No, stupid brain, she's just my best friend. I don't like her. It would be stupid to. And even if I did, I'm sure she doesn't like me. Will sighed. "Fine, but only because you asked. Give her some ambrosia, and I'll put nectar." I opened her mouth, and stuffed in the ambrosia. She choked it out immediately. I grabbed the nectar. "Marie, please, just drink it and don't die..."  I poured some nectar down her throat. She spit it out on my face. "Will! I need some help here! She can't eat or drink the nectar and ambrosia!" Will's face darkened. "Then you'll have to do mouth-to-mouth. Feed the ambrosia to her like that. It's our last resort." "What?!! Seriously?!" "Yeah, if you don't want her to die." My entire brain went into overdrive thinking about it. A small part of my brain was happy, but the most part of my brain was panicking. But it was worth a try. If it was to save Maria... I couldn't lose her. I stuffed 3 squares of ambrosia in her mouth and then gently put my lips to hers. Part of my brain was enjoying this. Most of it was short-circuited. She seemed to relax and I gently put back the ambrosia she spit out (into my mouth *gags*) back to hers. Finally, her body's instincts got the message and swallowed it all. She gasped and her eyes flew open. Well, this is awkward. "Nico? What- why are you- where's Will?" She said, face slightly red. "Um... so I had to mouth to mouth you ambrosia because you were severely injured..." I told her what had happened when she was passed out. "And then you woke up." I finished. "Maria, please don't make it awkward between us because I did... that." "Nico, you're my best friend. Of course I won't ignore you or anything. But I can't promise it won't be awkward..." My face fell. "But I'll try my best to be...normal around you. For now, let's just forget that ever happened. That was a bit embarrasing." She said, laughing a little. "Alright." I said, laughing too. That night, we camped out. We only had 1 tent though, so we had to share. I watched Maria's peaceful, sleeping face until I finally drifted off to sleep...

Hi! I'm over here again!! Did you like this chapter? If you did, please don't forget to vote, comment, and share, so the word gets out! Thanks!
-PJO lover

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