Letting Go

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Hi! It's me again! I'm really sorry about not updating for, like, weeks. I mean, I updated weeks ago after not updating for weeks and now I'm just making another chapter... this story really doesn't have a schedule 🤣 Anyways, give a follow to cali_piggy and nico_solacewill. Lmao, they're both new so give them some follows. :)) Alright. To the story! hannahkarylleyu follow her too! Hehehe my Chimmy-obsessed friend (I mean that in a good way) Also, check out the great music at the top of this chapter! Oh, and subscribe to her channel, Miso_Soup_5, was it? Or just Miso_Soup?  

Will POV

                      I never really showed anyone my powers- only half my cabin, Nico, Apollo, Maria and now Reyna knew about it. I don't really know why I kept it a secret. I was probably just conscious about being the only child of Apollo with powers. I mean, sure, all the Apollo kids were good at medicine, archery and music. Hardly any one of the Apollo cabin inherited them all, though. some of them were good at healing. Some were good at music. Some were good at archery. I was one of the lucky few to have inherited all those gifts. And some... special gifts like limited control of light, and travelling using sunlight. Most would say it was a gift. I say that it was a horrible curse. I mean, sun-travelling was much like Nico's shadow-travelling- extremely exhausting, and a potential way to kill yourself and/or get killed. For me, that was all it was. Another entry in the long list of 'Possible Demigod Deaths'. I didn't need it anyways, because I never was picked for a quest. Until now. Oh well, at least I will have a use for it. I guess. 

My thoughts wandered to in the warehouse. I sensed something. No, not bad for demigods. No, I sensed... 2 people liking each other. The warehouse had done it. It brought them together. On the other hand, I realized that Nico never was for me. Ever. He was meant to be with Maria. She would have taken care of him better than I ever could. And if I truly loved him, I should make way for the person whom he loves and wants to be with. I should give way. I should stop fighting for him. Maria was the best you could have. Intelligent, powerful, and beautiful. She would take care of him. I should just let go. Besides, I would find someone else. I had a feeling that they were meant to be together. It was their destiny. I would let go. Bring them together. (A/N-OH MY GODS I'M CRYING... SOLANGELO IS MY LIFE I'm SOO SORRY) 

My thoughts were interrupted, as the others had gone to a table in the corner to discuss how to get to Nico. "Alright, so-" This continued for half an hour, with many revisions, suggestions, and a LOT of random papers going flying. 

Afterward, I pulled Maria away and told her, "Hey, I know you like Nico. And don't worry. We'll save him." She snorted a bit but went red. "Well,  that was... blunt, to say the least." I laughed. "Yeah, I didn't exactly know how to get it out..." "Oh well. You know, so..." she turned serious. "Are you okay with it? I mean, you do like him too..." I smiled. "Not a lot of people have asked me that- but, yeah, I guess I'm okay. I'll find someone else. For now, I'll just stick to shipping my new OTP, Maico! Also, if you hurt Nico, you'll be hearing from me." I did learn something from being Piper's best friend, aside from Annabeth, of course. Anyhow, I had a feeling those two are meant to be together. We came outside and Reyna smiled at us cheekily. 

"So, you and Nico, hm?" she said. Wait, she heard that?!! "You heard that?!!" Maria said, voicing my thoughts. "Well, it was partially that, but also the fact that I may or may not have seen you two kissing in the, uh, warehouse.." "Reyna!!!" we screamed at the same time. Although for different reasons. "Why didn't you tell me?! I could have figured it out faster!" I yelled good-naturedly. Maria, however, was busy chasing Reyna down and promptly trying to kill her. Girls. Always trying to kill each other. 

Anyway... we had to get this plan started. And, you know, save Nico. Ultimately. But also... 

To find out who exactly captured him. There was still a lot to do, and perhaps little time to do it. 

I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN AGES!!! I'M SOOOO SORRY :( I had this chappie as a draft for ages. I was only able to publish it now. I'm sorry :((  Mrow. Thanks for sticking with me. :) Even though I'm a horrible author who doesn't always take care of her books. 


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