The Sun's Son is Jealous

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Lmao... I have no idea why I'm doing this right now. So... to the story!

Will POV

I had heard every single word of Nico and Aphrodite's conversation, and I was less than optimistic about it. 'Her' was definitely Maria. It confirmed what half the camp says- Nico liked Maria. But I'm pretty sure that she didn't like Nico back- yet. Which means that I have to get rid of her before that happens. I mean, she's smart, she'll figure out about Nico's crush on her soon. Especially if we both know. And, who knows? She might develop feelings for him, too. I mean, it would make sense. It happens. Oh well. Better wait for a monster strong enough. Preferably one that doesn't burn. Maria could easily burn most monsters into ashes. This better be happening quickly, or else it would be too late. Once they start dating- my thoughts were interupted by Nico coming in. He sighed. "She didn't tell me anything useful, just that the guy we're looking for is a god named καταστροφή, or Katastrophi in English. He's in California, in a warehouse." "καταστροφή? What kind of a name is that? I mean, yeah, it means Destroyer, but I didn't expect that to be so... literal." Maria said. I scoffed. Nothing is EVER easy, is it? "Nico? I think we need to talk." I said, frowning. "Okay." He said, not moving. "Privately, di Angelo." We went outside. "Nico, don't deny it. I heard your entire conversation with Aphrodite." He sighed again. "Look, Will. I'm sorry. I really am. But, promise me that you WON'T tell her, no matter what. Swear it on the Styx." "I'm sorry, Nico, but I don't think that you should hide it from her. She deserves to know. I'll leave it until next week. If you haven't told her by then, I will." I said as a plan formed in my mind. Maybe she'll reject Nico and not even be his friend anymore, because it would be awkward between them? That would work. "Will, please!" "No. She has to know." "Alright, fine, have it your way. But give me a chance to tell her." "Duh, of course I will!" We went back inside. "Okay, Maria. Let's get to California to look for καταστροφή." Nico said, smiling weakly. Looking at our expressions, she said, "What are you both hiding? Don't lie to me." I told you. She was smart. She always knows if we're hiding something from her. Like now. Oh well. Nico wouldn't tell her now, so I better save him. "Um... I..." Nico stuttered. "I kinda told him that I liked him...?" I said. She laughed. "Oh, so that's all you talked about, did you?" She said, winking at me. Nico's face went REAAALLY red. Oops.  "Uh.....yes." "Alright then, let's go! Nico, you can't shadow travel 3 people and their luggage, right? I'll take the tent and the things and you can take Will." "O-okay." Nico stuttered. Probably still shocked about my save. And embarrased. We packed up the things and Maria made sure that they were fire-proof. Then, I held Nico's hand and shadow-travelled to California. When we got there, Maria was waiting for us. "Come on!" She said, lugging all the stuff with her. "Let's go look for a warehouse!" "Maria, it's already night. Let's just find a place to sleep for now. Search begins tomorrow. I'm tired." Nico said, and promptly collapsed. "I'll drag him!" I volunteered. "Alright, you can sun-travel, right?" "Um, yeah, but it's nighttime right now. I can't." She laughed. "Oh yeah! I forgot about that!" "I'll just drag him. Easiest way." "Okay. Try not to give him a concussion though." She said.  I nodded and we set off, looking for a hotel. We finally found one, and went to the registrar. "Hi, miss, can we please get a room for 3?" "Sure! Do you have the money to pay for it?" "Yes, we do." Maria said as she handed over the money. The registrar gave us the key cards and we headed off to our room. When we got there, Maria raced to the bathroom, claiming it first. She showered, then it was my turn. After that was over, Maria lay down on the matress as Nico and I got the beds. Nico was still out cold, and lying on the bed face-down. Maria sighed, and stretched out on her mattress. "Finally! A mattress! I can live again!" I agreed-we had been sleeping on thin blankets and a tent floor for far too long. As I watched Nico sleep, I was reminded of his surname, di Angelo. He really looked like an angel when he was asleep. His face was free from the worry and pain it usually held. Maria was different. Her face was wrinkled, like she was having a nightmare. Knowing the life of a demigod, she probably was. I knew that she would wake up in time, though, so I didn't worry. Then, someone opened the hotel room door. "Nico?" That person asked. Will knew that voice. It was Reyna.

Why hello there! I'm sorry I haven't updated for 4 days! :(( Anyways, at least I did an update today. :)) Alright. Be sure to vote and comment!! Oh, and don't forget to share so the word gets out!
-PJO lover

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