Finding Beverly

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Bill slowed his bike to a stop, planting both feet on the ground to keep his balance. He glanced down at his watch, tapping his foot anxiously. He was waiting for Beverly at their meeting spot. He glanced up at the building again, then back at his watch. Minutes began to pass, Bill's heart beginning to race. He began to peddle again, realizing something must have been wrong for Beverly to not have shown up by now.

He slowly made his way to the door, hesitantly stepping through the door that had been left open. He cautiously glanced around, slowly stepping further into the room. "Beverly?" he called, glancing at the living room floor before proceeding down the hallway. "Beverly?"

He froze in place. Bill took a few steps forward, his eyes widening at the sight on the bathroom floor. Beverly's father laid on the tile, blood staining the white tiles and quiet groans escaping his lips. Bill hurriedly stepped back, his back hitting the hall wall. His chest rose and fell with shaky breaths as he turned into Beverly's bedroom. His gaze rose to the wall.

'You die if you try', the wall read.

Bill's eyes widened, rapid and panicked breaths hitting his lungs. His eyes flickered back and forth over the words written in fresh, red blood. He begin to back away, his hands beginning to shake. "Beverly!" He rushed out of the bedroom, running outside.

He ran down the sidewalk, running across the street and to the arcade. Quickly rushing inside, he made his way to Richie. "Richie!" 

Richie stood by the Street Fighter game, his eyes set and focused on the screen. His hands moved rapidly across the buttons and joystick, not looking up as Bill entered. "What do you want?" He continued to play the game. "See that guy I'm hitting? I'm pretending it's you."

"I-I-IT got Beverly," Bill said, watching Richie as he played.

Richie sighed in annoyance. "What are you talking about?"

Bill hesitated, thinking over his words for a moment. "IT, Richie." His bit his lip a moment. "IT got Beverly."

Richie froze in place, realization smacking him in the face. His eyes widened slightly as he slowly turned to Bill, a look of worry in his eyes. He silently locked eyes with Bill, their gaze expressing more emotions than their words could.


The boys peddled their bikes up the street, a look of worry crossing their faces as them came closer to the house on Neibolt Street. Dropping their bikes down -all except Stan who kicked down his kick stand-, they made their way through the gate, glancing up at the house above them.

"Guys, spikes," Bill said, kneeling down open his bag. 

Eddie reached for his fanny pack. Hesitating a moment, he threw the fanny pack as far as he could, watching as it fell into the dead grass.

Richie reached for an old beer bottle in the grass, smashing it over the railing. The other boys turned their attention to him. Richie glanced at the boys, then the bottle before he dropped the remains of the glass to the ground. Bill stood, the metal rod in his hand. He took a deep breath before placing his foot on the step and stepping onto the porch.

They all stepped into the house, all except Stan, that is. "Stan," Ben said.

Stan stood frozen on the front porch, his eyes locked on his friends in front of him.

"Stan," Bill said. "We all have to go. B-Beverly was right. I-If we split up like last time, that clown w-will kill us, one by one." Stan looked down, a look of fear across his features. "B-but if we stick together, all of us, we-ll win. I p-promise."

Stanley slowed stepped into the house, keeping his head tilted down slightly


The boys froze in place, turning at the sound of the voice.

Avira stepped onto the porch, her eyes locking with Richie's a moment. She tucked a strand of two-tone hair back, keeping her distance from the group.

Richie couldn't help but grin. "You showed up," he said.

"Well, you'd probably die by the time you made it to the basement." She rubbed the back of her neck, her gaze falling to her feet. "I can leave, Bill. I thought you could use my help."

Bill looked at her a moment, the silence and tension beginning to grow. "Come on."

Avira looked up at him, tilting her head ever so slightly. She had heard Bill's little speech to Stan as she had stood outside the door. Bill gestured her over with a slight tilt of his head. She looked at the group, then the dark house. Taking a deep breath, she stepping into the house, looking at the other boys.

"You're on our side, right?" Mike asked.

Avira nodded. "I've always been on your side." She smiled at Richie before following Bill further into the house.

Bill and Avira led the boys to the steps that led to the basement. A shiver ran up Avira's spine as she followed Bill down the steps.

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