Chapter 4

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Days went by, so did weeks, without a visit from Hollyfrost. Eventually, the time came for me to take the warrior test. When Ashfur sent me on my own, I was, for the first time, on my own. I took a deep breath. "This is what I want," I thought to myself. I padded around until I caught a scent. Vole, about a fox length away. I started to make my way towards it. Once I had it in sight, I pounced, and with a swipe, killed it. I picked up my prey and buried it so I could find it later. I knew Ashfur was watching me, but I couldn't see him. I didn't bother looking, it would distract me from my mission: to become a warrior. I had to. It was the only way to- I caught another scent. Squirrel, this time. About three fox lengths away. I followed carefully until I found him. Another swift pounce and he was finished.

I heard a small mew as I picked up my last mouse. I dropped it and jumped into the fighting position. "Woah, now," said the intruder. They walked forward. It was Leafstar. My fighting stance quickly turned into a bow. he chuckled lightly and said,"No need. You have done well, Snowpaw. Let's go home now." As he walked away, Ashfur followed, and I followed Ashfur. Once we arrived at camp, Leafstar immediately leaped on the Highwater and called a clan meeting. Once everyone was there, he started. "Cats of FrostClan," he started. "As you know, Snowpaw has been out all day hunting for us. Due to her excellence, we have decided to make her a warrior." I was shocked. A warrior? This is it! The moment I was waiting for! Leafstar called me up to the Highwater, and started again. "Snowpaw, from this day forth, you shall be known as Snowheart!" Leafstar said and the whole clan started chanting,"Snowheart! Snowheart!" I fell to happy. That, however is when everything went wrong.

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