Chapter 11

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"Yes Aria, I'm fine here. I still miss you tho." Haerin whined at Aria as she dialed her.

"Okay bye. Stay safe~" Haerin smiled and ended the call.

She's now at her room, looking at the ceiling, not knowing what to do.

She decided to go downstairs and find something yo eat, since it's basically seven in the morning.

Familiarizing the kitchen, she grabbed all the needed ingredients and made pancakes. She decided to make six pancakes, two for each of them.

She poured milk on the mugs and placed the food on the table.Satisfied with the table setting, she decided to call Jeno on her phone, telling him to come and eat.

Knocking on his door, she sighed receiving no reply. Haerin opened the door, creating a small creak as she walked towards his bed.

"Wake up Haechan." She lazily poke his shoulder and opened his black curtains, finally making the room brighter.

Hachan groaned and sat up, rubbing his eye, probably thinking of what's happening before looking at the girl beside him.

"What the-it's only seven in the morning." Haechan groaned and laid back on the bed again, lifting the covers up to his chin.

"I made pancakes. Come down if you want to eat." Haerin went out of his room, not wanting to argue with him anymore and went directly at the kitchen.

Haechan scoffed, debating on wether he should sleep more or eat.

After a few minutes of thinking, he doesn't want to sleep anymore, so he washed his face and gargled before coming downstairs, only to see them both being disgustingly sweet.

Jeno made funny jokes that made Haerin laugh. Her laugh was very pleasing to Jeno. Her gummy smile and tone of laugh was perfect.

"You're really good at cooking." Jeno smiled at her and ate another spoonful of her pancake. Haerin blushed and thanked him, sighing after.


"Nothing. Haechan won't seem to eat, the pancakes would go to waste." Haerin drank her milk, her gaze averted to Jeno which also stared at her.

No one seem to have the courage to back out, both their heads leaning closer, dangerously close as they both felt their breath fanning against each other.


A sudden cough was heard and Haerin pulled back, lowering her head when she saw Haechan, mentally killing him in her mind as he interrupted them.

"You told me to eat. I didn't expect you to almost eat each other's faces." Haechan scoffed, clearly disgusted as he sat down on the seat opposite Haerin.

"I need to go." Haerin mumbled and quickly ran downstairs, the heat on her face was unstoppable.

As she got on her room, she immediately closed the door and flopped herself on the bed, screaming on her pillow.

"Haechan. I hate you so much." Haerin gritted her teeth and punched the pillow many times, getting rid of her anger.


"I have a question." Haerin started as she went inside his room, it was already nearing midnight and the girl couldn't seem to sleep with the questions on her head.

"What? It's near fucking midnight." Haechan growled and sat up on his bed, glaring at the girl.

"And what's with you disturbing my sleep!?" Haechan scoffed and flopped on his bed as he said those.

"Okay so.... you're a mafia leader right? Then aren't you like, dangerous?

"Pfft. What do you think?" Haechan sarcastically said, still back flat on the bed.

"Well i mean... aren't you afraid that someone might attack you right here, right now?" Haerin went near his bed and sat on the edge, looking at his face.

Haechan sat up and glared at the girl, taking his phone from the night stand.

"Who told you to sit on my bed?"

"Just answer the question." Haerin sighed at his childish attitude, somehow her fear of him decreased day by day, forgetting that he's a mafia leader.

"I'm not afraid that I'll be attacked, but i know that someday i will be attacked, so I'm fucking prepared."

Haerin nodded, shivering at the thought of this mansion being attacked with her inside.

She's not ready to die and the guy in front of her is not helping.

"If you're done then go." Haechan sighed and played on his phone.

He felt his bed move and he looked up to see Haerin going inside his bathroom. He scoffed and focused on his phone.

"I'm gonna say. Your bathroom is way better than my apartment." Haerin laughed as she got out and went near Haechan.

"What now?"

"Nothing. I just like your skin. It's nice." Haerin dead panned and got up, leaving the wide eyed boy in his room.

"Good night Haechan."


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