Chapter 36

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"I'll help you shower."

"W-what?" Haerin stuttered and stared at him with widened eyes, finding any hint if we was joking.

"I won't peak." He cleared his throat. "I promise."

"Not that I'm complaining, but I think Jaemi-"

"Just...leave it to me. I won't take advantage of you."

He ran his fingers through his hair as frustration swirled inside him; walking back and forth in attempt to stop the feeling.

"I- okay." Haerin hesitated before standing up.


"Is it warm?" Haechan gently placed her body on his bathtub filled with warm water.


Haerin shivered before smiling at Haechan as she missed the feeling of warm water drenching her body.

She felt her wounds heal in an instant even if they were still stinging fresh.

"Uh...Take your clothes off." Haechan gulped. "I won't peak."

Following his orders, Haerin smiled a little at Haechan. She tried to take her clothes off, making sure that Haechan turned his back around her.

She winced as the clothes sticked on some of her wounds. Almost crying in pain, she gave up on taking her shirt off.


"Yeah? Are you done?"

Haerin nibbled her bruised lip before shaking her head even tho he couldn't see her.

"N-no... help me, please."

Haechan turned around, his lips forming a slight frown as none of her clothes were taken off.

"But I shouldn't look-"

"It's okay." She locked her gaze with his. "I trust you."

Haechan nodded, the hue of red in his ears made him feel hot as he slowly walked to Haerin.

"I'll take it off."

As Haerin smiled at her, Haechan gently placed his hand on her torso before slowly lifting up her shirt, making sure that the it won't touch her wounds.

"Arms." He whispered and Haerin lifted up her wounded arms, wincing as the cloth touched her wound.

Haechan finally took her shirt off and he quickly averted his gaze to the bathroom tiles, not wanting to look at her chest.

"Okay. I'll go for the pants."

Haechan slowly dipped his hands on the bathtub, finding the button of her pants.

He unbuttoned her pants and gently took it off, his body hair standing up as he slightly felt disgusted of what he was doing.

He felt as if he was taking advantage of the girl even if he knew that he wasn't.

"I'll leave it here."

He placed her drenched clothes on the empty basket before standing up to get the soap and shampoo on his shelf.

Haerin was left with her undergarments. She felt shy but also happy that Haechan was there to help her.

Knowing he's a mafia leader but the way he acts made her smile and think of him as a gentleman.

"I'll take care of your hair." He looked at her face.

"You wash your body with soap."

Haerin nodded and let Haechan do his work on her hair.

Shampooing her hair was really difficult for the boy since it was his first time to do it for someone.

"Does it hurt?" Haerin shook her head before applying some soap on her arms and legs, cautious on her wounds.

"I'm glad he didn't hit you on the head." Haechan heaved a sigh as he gently rubbed her head and temples to help her feel relaxed.


"Here." Haechan passed her the towel before turning around again to let her go out of the bathtub.

"You can turn now." She whispered.

Haechan turned to Haerin and supported her on walking out of the bathroom.

As he opened the bathroom door, a total of fourteen men went crawling on the floor as they pretended to find something.

"H-have you guys seen my ring?"

"Where's my pen?"

"Eavesdropping?" Haechan cocked an eyebrow.

"N-no, my mom's earring was lost." Jisung crawled away from Haechan as he pretended to find nothing.


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