Chapter 44

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"Please stay here." The nurse shooed the boys away as they brought Haerin in an emergency room.

Haechan felt weak as tears stained his cheeks while gripping his hair.

Haerin was shot in her lower chest so her life will be at risk and Haechan couldn't help but blame himself from what happened.

He couldn't feel the pain on his legs as his mind went blank; not moving a single muscle as he stood frozen behind the door.

Suddenly, he felt someone pulled his collar harshly and two strong punches went straight to his jaw until he went lying on the ground.

"You! You fucker!"

Jeno tackled Haechan on the ground and punched him many times until his lips bled causing the members to stop him.

"Jeno. Stop."

Taeyong glared at his member and helped Haechan to stand up, urging him to take medications for his leg.

Haechan gave a blank face as he wiped the blood on his lips; looking back at the emergency room, he nodded and walked away to clean his wound.

"Jaehyun, follow Haechan and make sure he's okay."

Jaehyun quickly walked away and kept a safe distance from him and the limping boy.

Some of the members held on Jeno as they helped him to calm down.

Silence lingered in the room as they all patiently waited for any news.


"Please tell me if it hurts."

A nurse looked at Haechan before pressing the cotton on his wound; expecting for a wince or a groan, Haechan stayed blank as he felt nothing.

The nurse got nervous at the thought of his leg being primarily numb.

With that, the nurse pressed the cotton harder making Haechan jolt and glare at the nurse.

"I'm sorry sir."

The nurse heaved a sigh of relief and continued to clean his wound gently as Jaehyun stared at Haechan.

"Why weren't you fighting back?"


"Jeno punched you many times, why didn't you fight back?"

"I deserved it."

With a dry throat, Haechan tried his best to speak to the older boy as he felt the burn on his leg.

"Please use these crutches for a while." The nurse gave him the crutches and Haechan shook his head before walking away, leaving Jaehyun and the nurse.

"Uh...I'll take it." Jaehyun took the crutches and followed Haechan.


Haechan and Jaehyun came back at the hallway after an hour of the medication.

Jeno calmed down but he still couldn't look at his best friend so he stayed still, staring at the ground.

Haechan sat far from Jeno and licked the dried blood on his mouth before staring at the window.

The doctor walked out of Haerin's ward and all the members stood up, surrounding him with their serious faces.

"Don't worry. She's fine, but she won't be waking up until tomorrow." He smiled.

"Her bones and organs weren't shot so it was easy for us to take the bullet out and we already have the blood transmitted to her."

He walked away and left the members in shock.


They all smiled and heaved a sigh of relief while Haechan kept his emotions and rested his head on the wall.

All the members were shocked at what the doctor said because she was shot at her lower chest, and that's a very risky place for her.

"Here." Yangyang passed Haechan a warm water and Haechan quickly drank it, still looking at the window.

Jeno scoffed as he looked at Haechan, feeling guilty from what he did to him.

He lowered his head more as he played with the bottle on his hand while smiling at the thought of her being safe

* Friends come first not until the one you love is on the line.*


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