Chapter 32

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The members except for Haechan were all sitting at the dining table inside Haechan's house, eating as the whole week made them exhausted.

One week passed and Haerin was still nowhere to be seen which made Haechan paler and more stressed.

Haechan sat on his bed, the silence inside his room made him hear all of his members that were eating outside.

He refused to eat as guilt built up on him, blaming himself for the losing girl.

He shot his head up as he heard multiple knocks on the door.

Yuta came inside holding a plate filled with food and sat on Haechan's bed.

"Eat something. You're getting skinny." He placed the plate on his nightstand.

"I don't want to."

Haechan let his pride eat him and shook his head despite his stomach aggressively asking for food.

Yuta sighed before patting the younger's head, feeling sad and worried for him.

"I'll leave the food here. Eat it." Yuta demanded Haechan before leaving the room.

Haechan stared at the tempting food before closing his eyes in attempt to think about a plan to find the girl.


"What the fuck!?" Haechan ran to his gate once he saw a small box hanging on it.

He just came back from their own headquarter where they all planned on how to find Haerin.

The members stayed there to initiate a greater plan while Haechan came back alone, knowing that nothing will happen if they didn't even have a clue.

He quickly took the box, looking everywhere in attempt to find the culprit but he saw no one.

As he entered his room, he quickly opened the box and his eyes burned from anger as he read the bloodied writings on the box.

'Bring yourself or the girl dies.'

As he read the last word, a notification popped on his phone and another unknown number texted him.

'Bring yourself here: XXXXX'

'Don't fucking hurt her.'

He quickly rushed out of the room after he texted the unknown number; itching to find Haerin quickly and kill whoever kidnapped her.

As he got on his car, he drove as fast as he can like there's no tomorrow, not minding that he didn't bring his phone or any weapon with him.


Haerin coughed out blood after the man choked her for a couple of minutes.

She felt like she was dying and her hope of the Dream members finding her turned zero.

Blood oozed out of her mouth and her stinging wounds turned dry while the man laughed with himself at the thought of finally killing Haechan.

"Tsk. I guess your boyfriend really loves you. " he smirked as he checked his phone. "Let's watch him die later, okay?"


Panting, Haechan stepped inside the abandoned building not minding the dizziness and nausea building up on him.

He looked everywhere searching for Haerin as he ran to every corner of the first floor.

Three men suddenly appeared beside him and to his surprise they don't have any weapons once they all ganged up on him.

Punches and kicks were received by his body yet he felt nothing as the pain in his head covered it all.

He stood up and punched one of the guy in his jaw while he kicked the other one on his chest, yeeting him over to another guy.

They fought for a good minute and Haechan felt tired, his head hurting more from all the movements.

Haechan's movements turned slow as his energy dropped, his head fighting with dizziness and the men smirked before tackling him down.

They all ganged up on him, choking him until he almost lost his breath; coughing out blood with black spots invading his vision.

"Die. Lee Haechan."

A loud gunshot was heard in the room and Haechan opened his eyes as he felt the man choking him set him free.

He heard another two sounds of a gunshot and in a blink of an eye, all the men were lying on the floor as their body was pooled with their own blood.

Looking back, Haechan gulped at the sight of Taeyong holding the gun down with the other thirteen members behind him.

Taeyong eyed Haechan with disappointment and worry in his eyes.

"We are nct, we fight together."


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