Chapter 37

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A week has passed and Haerin got a lot better. Her wounds healed as time passed and she also got to know all of the Nct members including the ones in China through face time.

They were now at the living room as they celebrated her 'healed moment.'

"Chenle!" Jisung yelled as Chenle threw a keychain at him.

"Guys, who wants watermelon?"

"Ow! Doyoung~ Jaehyun bit my hand."

"When's your birthday again?"

Chaotic. That's what it was. Thirteen men kept on shouting at each other since that's the way they talk.

Haerin got used to it tho, she felt more lively that Nct members often visit Haechan's house than just her, Haechan and Jeno.

"Look Aliens!"



"You little-"

"Jaemin, why is my coffee black!?"

"Haechan, where's the remote?"

"Stop biting my hand!"

"Jeno, have you seen my airpods?"

The members kept talking to each other yet Haerin's gaze never left the quiet boy sitting on the sofa.

She didn't know why but her eyes never got tired of looking at him.

The way he laughs quietly while they all joked on each other until the way he shrugged his shoulders once he was teased or bullied by members.

"Haechan." She called out.

Her voice was feminine so they all stopped talking to look back and forth to her and Haechan.

"Yeah?" Haechan kept his gaze on her while she shifted nervously.

"Can i talk to you? Alone?"

"Yeah sure."

Haechan stood up and headed to her direction while the other members eyed them both with a smug smile on their faces.

Haerin suddenly ran upstairs towards his room making him stop on his tracks. He silently followed her as the members urged him to do so.

As he closed his bedroom door, he noticed that she was still shifting nervously while nibbling her lip.

"What's the matter?"

"I forgot to tell you this."

Haechan furrowed his eyebrows as he stepped closer to her making her lower her head more from the nervousness.

"What is it?"

"Well... you've been so kind to me for the past days."


"And you're always fun to be with."


Haerin sighed before huffing out an air, stomping her foot on the ground before locking her gaze with Haechan.

"You've been helping me since the day that i got here and even tho you hate me, you still saved me two times."

"It's my job. I have t-"

Haechan stopped on his words as he felt a body engulf his own.

Her arms snaked itself on his waist while she rested her head on his broad chest, listening to his fainted heartbeat.

"Thank you." Haerin heaved a sigh.

"Thank you for everything."

Haerin smiled under his touch even if he wasn't hugging her back.

"I'm sorry for hugging you." She paused. "But can we hug a little longer?"

Without a reply, Haerin pulled Haechan's arms and placed it on her waist making the boy gulp at her actions.

They were hugging each other with her arms tightly on his waist while his hands were resting on her lower back.

He didn't know why but the feeling made him uncomfortable and weirded out but he liked it.

He knew that this feeling would make him weak, yet he didn't know why he liked it in that moment.

The feeling he dreaded to feel for the rest of his life made it's way to him and for the first time in his life,

His heart skipped a beat.


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