Chapter 39

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"What did he tell you?" Haechan rushed to her side before holding her shoulders as he stared at her blank face.

"Nothing. He just asked me if I'm okay."

Haerin smiled awkwardly before sitting on Haechan's comfy bed.

Haechan noticed her mood and he knew that she was lying, yet he told himself to let her be.

"I'll leave then." Haechan gave her a slight smile before going out of her room.

As soon as he closed the door, he saw his father downstairs talking to the other members.

Haechan went downstairs and everyone gazed upon him as he stepped near them, yet his eyes never left his father.

"Remember to train in the following days." Mr. Lee demanded, his eyes dark as he eyed each of them.

His eyes turned soft as soon as his eyes landed on his son, a small smile forming on his lips as he remembered the scenario upstairs.

"Well, I'll leave then." Mr. Lee smiled at everyone and patted Haechan's shoulder before heading outside with his bodyguards.

As they heard his car drove off, all the members crowded Haechan, giving him smug smiles.


"Oh nothing." Jungwoo smirked. "Just wondering if you have a girlfriend already."

They all laughed while Haechan remained blank as he was still processing what Jungwoo said.

"You know i never had a girlfriend, right?"

Jungwoo frowned and slumped his shoulders, wanting to punch the boy from his idiotic self.

"Dumbass, what he meant was, are you and Haerin t-"

"Me and Haechan are what?" Haerin slowly walked to them with her hands clasped in her back.

The members backed away and acted all innocent upon hearing her voice. They gave her their innocent smiles but Renjun wasn't one of them.

"Are you and Haechan together?" He spat.

Haerin choked on air before glaring at Renjun who playfully smirked together with the other members while Haechan knitted his eyebrows together.

"Why? Cat got your tongue? So are you and Ha-"

"No, we're not."


Jaemin smiled awkwardly at the sudden atmosphere before clinging on Haerin's hands, bringing her at the sofa to drink coffee.

As they both initiated their own conversation far from them, the members once again neared Haechan.

"Really Haechan? What did you do upstairs then?"


"Did you guys kiss?"

"We di-"

"Did she confess?"


"Do yo-"

"Stop it. She already said that they're not together."

Jeno walked away in annoyance leaving the rest with Haechan who looked utterly confused. He felt raged by the thought of his bestfriend and Haerin being together.

"What's with him?"

"I don't know."

The members scoffed before walking away one by one, leaving Haechan alone with a slight smile on his lips.

Haechan stared at Jeno's disappearing back, his smile going wider than what he expected .

There were two things that Haechan knew at the moment he saw Jeno; the face of jealousy and the fact that Jeno likes the girl he already likes.


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