Chapter 17

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"Haechan~ please let me try~" Haerin kept on whining since this morning to Haechan about trying to shoot targets at their training room.

She just found out that there was a hidden training room in his mansion where they all train and she wanted to try it out.

Haerin wanted to be strong since she didn't want to be a burden for him to save her every time she faces danger.

She also promised not to ho to school anymore since she also didn't want something like that to happen again so she would just stay at his mansion.

The girl didn't want any nightmares to hunt her again, she wanted to be strong for once and her decision made Haechan hesitate.

Haechan didn't want to ruin the innocent girl by doing the things he regretted doing. Taking over his father's place, he completely ruined himself, and he knew that it was too late to change.

"For the thirty-second time, no." Haerin whined once again before pulling his arm, swaying it side to side.

Haechan groaned out of annoyance before heading towards his room, the girl still clutching on his arm.

"Haechan~ I'll work hard! I promise." Haerin pouted, acting all cute in front of Haechan which disgusts him.

"Stop that you ugly duck."

"Wha-Excuse me!? You're the ugly duck!" Haerin spat before sitting on his bed, once again grabbing his arm just to whine.

"I said no and that's final."

Haechan stood up and pulled his arm from her. He then sat on the chair next to his desk, writing things on the papers which had pictures of a few men.

Haerin glanced at the papers and realized that most of the men are young and somehow handsome.

"Are you gay?" Haerin blurted out making Haechan turn to her dangerously slow, his eyes squinting at her.

"What the fuck!? What gay would be a mafia leader?" Haechan was furious, not believing that those words came from the girl's mouth.

"So you're not? That's a relief."

Haerin placed a hand on her chest before closing her eyes, opening them back again to see Haechan with a smug smile on his face.

"Why? You thought I would be taken?"

"Nope. I though that Jeno would be taken, glad he's not."

The smirk on Haechan's face disappeared as she said those, his mood suddenly went down and he didn't know why.

"Hey what's wrong? I never thought calling you gay would make you feel bad. I'm sorry for that." Haerin smiled sheepishly before looking at Haechan whose face stayed blank.

They became a little closer this days, they talked more and she began to be clingier than ever to him but the best part is, he didn't feel uncomfortable.

"Oh right Hae-"

"Go out for now." His voice came out monotonous, and she jolted at the sudden change.

"What? I-"

"Just go out." Haechan sighed, before sitting on his bed, reading the papers on his hand.

Haerin couldn't process what happened so she decided to leave him alone.

After she left, he immediately stopped reading before thinking about why he suddenly became that way.

He didn't know why he suddenly had that attitude either. Maybe it's because she thought he was gay, or maybe because of something else.

Head hurting from overthinking, Haechan got up while rubbing his temples. He came down to get a glass of water from the kitchen but a few laughters were heard inside.

"Another joke please!" Haerin laughed, tears forming on her eyes at the nonstop laughter caused by the boy beside her.

He kept on telling her jokes once she entered the kitchen. He noticed that her mood was a bit down so he decided to talk to her making her laugh nonstop.

"Okay, what do you call a can opener that doesn't work?"


"A can't opener." Haerin inhaled, blood rushing into her cheeks and ears before letting out the loudest laugh she have ever made.

The sight of her laughing made the boy smile, he didn't know he was funny since all the members said he wasn't, specially his boss.

A sudden cough was heard making her stop laughing as they both looked at the familiar face standing near the door.

"Oh Haechan, you're done with work?" Haerin asked as she felt his piercing gaze on her making her uncomfortable.


"Jeno, I'll go somewhere. Guard her."

Haechan's gaze stayed with her before leaving the kitchen. He went to get his car keys and the sound of the front door closing made Haerin breathe properly again.

What's wrong with him?


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