Chapter One-

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Quote of the book -

"And I remember it hurt, seeing her hurt."


"Get up you piece of shit" my mother shouted from downstairs. I rolled my eyes and did as i was told. I headed for the shower and then got dressed for hell.

I got downstairs and grabbed my bag and my keys hopefully making a dash for the front door before my parents could talk to me.

"Wait wait wait, why the rush Alex?" My father hummed, tapping his thick sausage like fingers on his knee. I turned around, slowly.

"I uh, i have to get to school?" I shrugged, "Me and your, well, father need to speak to you" My mothers high voice sung through me, causing me to shiver as she sat on my dads knee, smiling her pearly white teeth.

"Okay" i shrugged, but inside my stomach was burning with the feeling of rejection.

"You have to move out" my mum said before my dad even opened his mouth. "What!?" I shouted dropping my shoulder bag. "Move out? but, but"

"We dont say 'buts' now do we" My fathers nasty voice spat. My head turning to the ground as my eyes started to water.

Hurt, rejection, and pain running through my system. They've been nothing but ignorant, hurtful and nasty to me for eighteen long painful years.

"Go on then" She laughed, "LEAVE" she hissed causing me to jump. "Youve always been petty, useless, a laughing stock, no friends, no family, no one Alexis, no one" My so called father laughed causing my body to shake.

My mom sitting there shaping her nails whilst checking her teeth on the toaster.

"I hate you!" i yelled. "i hate you all!" I cried as i grabbed my bag and made a run for the door.

Great. i thought.

Im homeless.

I was crying in my car, something i did way to often. Shall i even go into school today? No, i have to. Thats the only warm and welcoming place there is.

Okay so, maybe not so welcome? But hey, where is right?

I grabbed my bag, threw it over my shoulder and walked into school, my stomach thin and empty my hair long and wavy my skinny jeans wrapped tightly around my legs and my knitted sweater was the only thing keeping the harsh air from freezing my body.

I sighed and sat in form room.

"Hey" a familiar voice said causing me to lift my head.

"Ah, hey Liam" i said causing his handsome face to be over taken by a frown. He looked at my arms then to my face.

"Again?" He asked and i shook my head. "Nearly" i croaked out. "Alexis, you cant cut over every little thing" He said causing me to gasp.

"I don't!" I shouted, defending myself. "I got kicked out okay, they finally did it, my folks got rid of me like i was nothing to them, like ive been nothing to them" i said and his face was full of hurt.

"I'm, I'm so" he started.

"Save it, apologies are full of shit" i huffed and turned my head away from him.

Until my eye caught someone, someone id seen many times but never truly knew.

"Who's that?" i asked Liam and tilted my head in the boys direction. "Oh him, the blonde, he's Niall" Liam sighed lustfully.

"No, not your boycrush, the one next to him, brown curly hair?" I asked and Liam almost gasped.

"Oh no, that's Harry" He said in a whisper, "No one even talks about him, no one even dares look at him, hes interested in no one from this school, trust me, the cheerleading squad and myself have tried" Liam sighed and i nodded.

"You really ought to talk to Niall you know? Hes super nice" I said changing the subject.

"yeah but theres one thing, i dont think he's..well you know" Liam said shying away,

"Gay" I said putting it out there and he nodded looking down.

"You dont know if you dont try?" i said, for moral support and he smiled. "Im real sorry about your folks, stay at mine tonight?" He asked and i hugged him, tightly.

"Thankyou" i whispered, the feeling of someone's eyes on my making me shudder, as i looked around the room there was no one staring in my direction.

Staring at you. Oh hunnie, get over yourself.

I couldnt help but agree with my subconscious.

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