Chapter Three-

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"He just, got you kicked out, for nothing?" Liam asked again and i groaned in frustration.

"Yes Liam"

"And wait, wait, you actually spoke to him and he replied"

"Well, he spoke to me first?" I said and Liams eyes grew in amazement.

"Oh my god" He said.

"What? Surprised because someone actually started a conversation with me?" I asked and he frowned.

"I didnt mean it like that Alexis" And he rubbed my back causing me to smile.

Then he walked in.

i groaned and placed my head in my arms.

"Lets hope he doesnt get you kicked out ey?" Liam whispered in my ear whilst hugging me.

I rolled my eyes as i sat up properly.

I got out my books and sat listening to some practicals, taking out notes.

I feel someones eyes on me.

i look around the room and see most students on their phones, asleep, making out or staring out the window.

My eyes landed on Harry who was staring a the teacher but looking sheepish at the same time.

His eyes were widened, pupils dilated.

Maybe he fancied the science teacher? Mr Willis.

Mr Willis won all the young ladies hearts with his good looks, even a few lads.

He's gay? Maybe thats why Harry is so closed.

As class finished a few giggling girls approached Mr Willis making me roll my eyes. Then two girls broke away from the group and approached Harry instead.

I couldn't help but watch.

He placed his books in his backpack and completely ignored them, as he walked past them like they weren't there.

"Jackass" i whispered, his head suddenly snapping up as he looked me in the eyes.

Hurt running through them.

Did he hear me?

Whos cares right?

"Okay so plan, go home grab you clothes, walk to mine comprende?" Liam asked and i nodded.

"I'll legit be like, five minutes Li" I said and he nodded.

"Stay safe walking home and to mine" He said and i nodded, accepting his tight hug.

I was walking home, earphones in loud music on.

I pulled my sleeves over my hands and chewed on my bottom lip, holding in the tears from today's events.

I cant believe they kicked me out. My own flesh and blood.

I shot my head around feeling not alone. But there was no one there. I hate winter, why must it get dark so early.

I then shot my head forward, the next thing.


My head hurt, the room was black, and my throat was dry from screaming.

It hurt shout and to be honest, who would come running for me? Risk their lives for me?

I hung my head in weakness as my hands were tied up.

"Please" i begged, my voice straining. "Just let me go, i have nothing okay, i have nothing" I said, tears warming my eyes but not my body.

"This wasn't the plan Henry" A voice said causing my head to lift up, i made out two figures.

"Nathan, i'm not going to keep her down here okay, calm your fucking self, go wank over Liam or something" He hissed and i cringed.

"Please" i begged, my lips trembling.

"We're not here to hurt you okay" A voice said, but it sounded like a shitty accent? American maybe.

"Why am i here then?" I asked, afraid of the answer.

"Enough questions" He said and my head lowered again, why do i feel so weak.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked and i felt drowsy.

"How much did you give her?" One shouted. "As much as you asked, three dozes" The other replied.

"Niall you fucking idiot, i said TWO, two dozes!" He said.

Wait, Niall?

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