Chapter Fourteen-

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"What the fuck is going on?" Liam asked walking in with his mouth hanging open.

"Uh, nothing?" I said, hoping i would get away with it.

"Alex, he saw us?" Harry said.

"Shh, he might not have" I whispered to him causing Liam to sigh.

"Yes i did, i saw your tongue in my bestfriends mouth!" Liam shouted causing Harry to laugh.

"Whats funny?" Liam asked, putting his hand on his hip causing me to smile.

"that you think you can talk to me like that, that's what i find fucking funny!" Harry shouted in Liams face, clenching his fists,

"Harry leave it!" I shouted dragging Harry back by his arms. Niall ran in and pushed Harry back, "Get off him Harry, you can't talk to Liam like that!"

"Look, i haven't seen you in so long Alexis and when i do, you're always here, you're never on your phone, you're not in school anymore, you're always around him!" Liam yelled, "If i knew better i'd say you've moved in or something, but i know you wouldn't do something so stupid" Liam laughed causing my blood to boil.

Why not, im strong, independent, i make my own choices.

"You haven't, have you?" Liam asked causing me to raise a brow. "You're not my fucking father!" I yelled causing Liam to turn red, something he did when he got angry.

"No, i'm not, but yours didn't want you did he!" Liam snapped causing me to gasp.

"Get the fuck out my house now, before your own parents dont recognize you!" Harry yelled causing tears to flow down my cheeks.

"Who are you" I whispered to Liam.

"No Alexis, who the fuck are you anymore!" Liam yelled as Harry pushed him out my room.

I slid down my bedroom wall and cried into my hands.

Suddenly two arms hugged around my body, and i inhaled the scent of Harry.

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay" He repeated kissing my forehead, "He was meant to be my best friend Harry, we kept secrets like that, what's happened to him Harry, why did he say that!" I cried and cried into his shoulder.

"Shh, i told you, no one deserves you Alex, no one" Harry whispered in my ear, "I will always keep you safe darling, always" He hushed in my ear causing my whole body to heat.

"Thankyou" I said, pulling back to look at him. "For what?" He asked and i suddenly took in his face, he had dimples, even when he wasn't smiling, his hair was quite long with a few curls, his eyes, a gorgeous apple green, the moles on his face, his thin kissable lips, his long eyelashes.

"Alex?" He asked again, smacking me out my trance.

"Uh, thanks for making me feel safe and kicking Liam out, and for everything, for my first kiss, for making me happy, for actually accepting me" I said causing his think kissable lips to turn into a smile, causing those dimples to pop out, or in?

"What are you smiling at?" He asked and suddenly i realized i was.

"Nothing" I said causing him to shake his head at me. "Come on, get up off this floor" He stood up and held his hand out which i took without hesitation and suddenly he hugged me tightly.

"No one deserves you Alexis, you're so much better than your parents and Liam, you just need to see that, no one deserves you" He whispered again, i unwrapped my arms from his and looked at his face.

"You do" i said causing him to frown.

"What?" He asked.

"You deserve me Harry" I whispered with a smile.

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